Page 8 - Bulletin Vol 28 No 2 - May - Aug. 2023 FINAL
P. 8
Message from the Executive Director (cont.)
our members succeed.
Success can mean different things to different people. For most it may mean financial security, for others
it may just be the personal satisfaction of a job well done or a life well lived serving others. For some, it
may be just getting through the day, and taking things one day at a time. Throughout this issue we have
examples of the various success stories of our members. Personal achievements, public recognition of
accomplishments, going above and beyond to help those less fortunate, overcoming personal struggles,
legislative victories, and moral ones. But one common thread they all have is that no one succeeds alone.
In order to succeed we all need the help of others. To me this is the most important benefit of organized
dentistry - you’re never going it alone. Daily we get phone calls and emails from members with problems
that need to be solved, employment issues, insurance issues, legal issues, practice issues, personal issues.
If we don’t have the answer, we do our best to find someone who does. We’ve got your back! So, the next
time a non-member questions the value of organized dentistry and wonders “what do you get?”; the
answer is simple – a partner for your career.
Stay well,
Gene Porcelli
Message from the President continued
profession will be both positive and negative. On the negative side it will enable insurance companies to
create programs that may compromise some dental treatments. On the positive side it will act as a very
valuable tool in determining treatment options. I urge you to read the ADA paper on Ai at https://
Lastly, I want to thank Dr. Frank Palmaccio for his years of service as our Trustee and to welcome Dr. Don-
ald Hills as our new Trustee.
In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement,
achievement, and success have no meaning."
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Akseizer
2023 NCDS President
On the Funny Side... Getting Into Character
Some actors are really devoted to their craft! For his role as Captain Jack
Sparrow in “Pirates of the Caribbean,” Johnny Depp had gold caps put on
his teeth. He wore them until after the filming of the third film!
In the comedy “The Hangover,” Ed Helms’ character loses a tooth after getting
punched by the boxing legend, Mike Tyson. Well, guess what? His toothless
grin is real! When Helms’ permanent tooth never grew in, he decided to get a
dental implant to improve the appearance of his smile. For the film, he had his
implant tooth removed so the tooth loss would be authentic!
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