Page 15 - Mosaic Annual Report 2015-16
P. 15


Tim                                                           After a little
By CJ - Support Worker                                        encouragement, once
                                                              Tim has begun a task
Tim McCarthy, Mosaic’s humble achiever, has been with         he truly enjoys every
Mosaic for almost 5 years. Having transitioned from           minute of it
Individualised Services, Tim has been in supported
accommodation for almost 2 years.

A happy and gentle fellow, Tim is well liked by all team
members and fellow residents. Working hard 5 days a
week with Activ, Tim always looks forward to his weekend
outings. Going to a movie and seeing the latest block
buster would be Tim’s most favorite activity, although he
also enjoys ten-pin bowling, swimming, walking and golf.
Sometimes needing a little motivational encouragement,
once Tim has begun a task he truly enjoys every minute
of it.

While walking around the Swan River recently, Tim
noticed bike riders and spoke of wishing to ride instead
of just walking; it made perfect sense to him. The next
weekend Tim hired a bike and rode it perfectly half way
around the 10kms river circuit. Impressed with himself
and encouraged with this result, the following week he
successfully rode the whole way around – a full 10kms.
Empowered with the achievement after that second ride,
Tim had found something he truly loved to do and was
good at it!

Over the next 4-5 weeks Tim continued to venture out,
hire a bike and ride around the river. He has reduced his
circuit time to just over an hour to travel the full 14kms.

Although Tim likes to see a movie in the morning,
the afternoon has become his active riding time - an
excellent balance between relaxing and then some
exercise in the afternoon. Tim is truly an inspiration to us
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