Page 12 - Mosaic Annual Report 2015-16
P. 12



We would like to thank all clients in                 the system to automate the recording of daily
Mosaic’s supported accommodation                      activities undertaken by clients.
and individualised services, their family             A major emphasis has been placed on training
members, carers, guardians and all                    and personal development, including career
stakeholders, and our valued staff who                pathways for our future leaders. Over the year,
have worked together to make the 2015-                we have seen staff grow into their leadership
2016 year a success in supporting our                 roles and it is gratifying to see the training
clients in achieving their goals.                     program working well across the organisation.
                                                      This comprehensive training of services staff, to
Mosaic is focused on building relationships           improve service delivery, has been a high priority
with all of those involved by way of open             thus contributing to an increase in the number
communication - a key to success in the               of clients in both our supported accommodation
achievement of this outcome. Family members,          and individualised services. This focus continues
carers and guardians contribute to decisions          to be an important factor in the attraction of new
for our clients, to assist Mosaic in successfully     clients and our new accommodation spaces at
providing the support outcomes required to            Kenwick and Safety Bay provide opportunities
achieve our vision.                                   for new clients to consider joining us.
Mosaic has invested a broad range of resources        Person centred planning (PCP) continues to
to improve all of our quality systems and             influence change across our operations to
processes. It is a process where we progressively     better support clients to reach and achieve their
make incremental changes to improve our               personal goals. Our PCP tool is embedded within
services to our clients and their family members,     Mosaic and staff use this approach with clients
who in turn continuously assist us in enhancing       to identify their goals and aspirations.
our services through their constructive feedback.     Our Positive Behaviour team provides
The sector is changing rapidly with the               community and advocacy support to promote
introduction of NDIS and the operations team is       and protect the rights of clients. The team
preparing for the challenges this will bring. It is   also actively implements strategies to manage
an exciting time and Mosaic embraces the many         challenging behaviours.
changes and opportunities that the NDIS brings        Our annual Friends of Mosaic function was held
to the Western Australian disability sector.          in May this year and feedback has been most
The operations team remains focused on                positive that this was very much enjoyed by both
improving client service and has invested             clients and their families. Other stakeholders in
significant efforts in evaluating innovative          attendance commented that it was great to see
models of service delivery where opportunities        everyone interacting together to provide the best
exist to effectively improve client outcomes.         occasion for our clients.
We are working collaboratively in the integration     All of our team is looking forward to another
of services and building a better team                exciting year and we would like to thank all of
environment to provide the highest quality of         our colleagues across the organisation for their
service possible. The implementation of our new       support in assisting Operations Services to
client management system contributes strongly         provide the best possible standards of support
to this objective. Our Project Leader, Penny Clark,   outcomes to our clients.
has demonstrated high commitment working              Hakeem Khan | Executive Manager - Client
with all front line staff, to successfully integrate  Services
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