Page 2 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 2

Rhyme and Reason at Quantock!

                          The  ever  increasing  popularity  of  the  Mark   “This is our Installation meet, and visitors
                          Degree was very much in evidence at Quantock   are many, the quality of each guest here,
                          Lodge,  No.749’s                                      who  carries  the
                          March  meeting.                                       token penny.
                          Over 60 brethren,                                     For I have stood to
                           including  our                                       welcome  you,  on
                           PGM,  RWBro.                                         Keystone  Chisel
             John Griffin  David  Nelson,                                       and Mallet,        Steve Defries
           packed the Lodge Room for the Installation                           sharing with you our Ceremony, friendship
           of Master Elect Brian Eastland happily                               and food; you’ve had it!
           Installed  by  outgoing  Master  Mike                                Mark  Master  Masons  are  all  here,
           Needs  after  his  very  successful  year                            contemplate the Keystone,
           in the chair. The Ceremony continued                                 and  all  too  soon  we  will  depart,  each
           smoothly accompanied by the music of                                 brother to his home.
           Matt Westley on the organ.                                           But,  what  remains  will  ever  stand,
           During the meeting, David Smith, Lodge                               memories they can’t destroy,
           Charity  Steward,  presented  RWBro.                                 this  perfect  fraternal  structure,  each
           David with a cheque for £749 towards                                 individual’s joy.
           the PGM’s charity, ‘Hearing Dogs for                                 So visit us again please do, your toast will
           the  Deaf’,  an  ingenious  match  to  the                          never cease,
           Lodge number!                                                           and  who  better  to  respond  to  this?
           The happy atmosphere continued                                            Than Worshipful Steve Defries!
           into the Festive Board, the peak
           of  which  was  John  Griffin’s                                             Brothers  of  Quantock  Lodge
           toast to the visitors presented                                              please  stand,  and  raise  your
           in rhyme. John even managed                                                  glasses high.
           to  bring  the  name  of  the                                                A  health  to  every  visitor,
           responder  into  the  ending,                                                before we say goodbye”!
           much  to  the  surprise  of  Steve                                          A  happy  ending  to  a  very
           Defries! For your amusement and                                            pleasant  evening...Copy  &  Pics,  Pat
           appreciation John’s words follow:                                       Morrisey.

                Celebrations at Carnarvon Lodge, 616, Mark Masons Hall, London

         Our Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. David Nelson attended the   today!  The Royal Ark Mariner meeting started at 10 am and the Mark
         Installation Meeting of the Carnarvon Lodge of Mark Master Masons,   meeting at 11am, lunch was at 1 pm. The Centenary Meeting was
         in Mark Masons Hall, London on Saturday 13  February, when his   reconvened at 3pm and we were eventually asked to close the doors
         Excellency Dr. Carl Bertram  Roberts the High  Commissioner for   behind us at 11.30 pm after a superb dinner and excellent speeches!
         Antigua was Installed as Worshipful Master.
         In the afternoon the Lodge also celebrated its Centenary
         of being consecrated on 11  February 1910. Carnarvon
         was  the  first  Mark  Lodge  to  be  formed  in  the  City  of
         Westminster. The Lodge was honoured by the presence
         of the Assistant Grand Master R.W.Bro. Benjamin Addy
         and three other Provincial Grand Masters besides our own
         R.W.Bro. David.
         It was a wonderful ceremony of celebration with details of
         the 1910 consecration meeting and celebratory dinner that
         followed. It was revealed that the menu included 13 courses
         beginning  with  “Whitstable  Native  Oysters”  eventually
         finishing with dessert and coffee.  History gave a fascinating
         insight into the early years of the Lodge and that of Mark
         Masonry in the city of London before the Second World War;
         membership costs then bore little resemblance to those of

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