Page 4 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 4
Provincial Grand Secretary’s Corner
As we commence a new Masonic year I look Whilst I have received offers from several brethren to give
forward to meeting as many of you as possible presentations on various topics I would like to extend the
on my travels around the Province. Again I list and therefore ask again if you would be willing to have
would like to take this opportunity of thanking your name placed on this directory If so, I would therefore
all Lodge Secretaries and Scribes for their be grateful if you would contact me giving a title and a short
continued support, commitment and hard synopsis of your talk or presentation. It is my intention to
work in helping in the smooth running of the make the directory available to all Lodge Secretaries and
Province. Scribes.
Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Provincial Website
Mariners As many of you are aware we have a Provincial website and
On Saturday 12 February 2011 the seventh I would encourage as many brethren as possible to visit the
Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark website, which is both interesting and informative.
Mariners will be held at Nailsea Masonic Hall
The Assembly is open to all Royal Ark Mariners and John G. Morgan, Provincial Grand Secretary
the Provincial Grand Master is anxious that the Commanders of
each Lodge together with his Wardens attend wearing their collars 600 Club Winners
of office. Again all newly Elevated Royal Ark Mariners since the Congratulations to our lucky winners over the last few
last Assembly will receive a personal invitation from the Provincial months. Speak to your Lodge Charity Steward about an
Grand Master inviting them to attend and will be allocated reserved entry form, or find one with this newsletter.
seating. On Draw evenings, the WM and his Wardens each select a
The Assembly will commence at 11am. Brethren are to be seated by number, the result is then checked against each members’
10.45am. Further information can be obtained from Lodge Scribes. name. The prizes are: 1st.£150, 2nd.£60, 3rd.£40.
It is planned that all Royal Ark Mariners will receive a summons and
lunch booking form. A copy of the summons and booking form will Draw Name Lodge
also be available on the website for downloading. Feb 2010 W. Bro. Ron Hawkins 697
Provincial Meeting “ Bro. Peter Silvester 781
As you are aware the Annual Provincial Meeting of Mark Master
Masons is to be held again at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday “ W. Bro. Alan Parsons 730
7 May 2011 and the Provincial Grand Master would like as many March W. Bro. Tony Lovell 697
Brethren to attend as possible. Again you will receive your individual “ Bro. David Hayward Bath TI
copy of the Provincial Summons and reply slip for those wishing to “ Mrs Hazel Guthrie 119
dine. Those Brethren who are to be appointed Provincial Officers April Bro. Trevor Quatermain TI
for the forthcoming year will receive a booking form for dinner with
their letter of appointment. As you are no doubt aware this is the only “ Mrs Marina Eastland 749
Province in which ladies are invited to join us for dinner following “ W. Bro. Jim Summers TI
the meeting. For the benefit of the ladies, entertainment is provided May W. Bro. Fred Hodge 697
during the afternoon whilst the meeting is in progress. Hopefully, “ Bro. John Nicholson (minor)! 177
you will be able to attend together with your wife / partner. “ Bro. Ray Underhay 1608
Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies Meeting
It is proposed to hold a further meeting for Lodge Secretaries, June Bro. Ron Naish 1656
Scribes and Director of Ceremonies on Friday 3 September 2010 “ W. Bro. Ron Babbage TI
at Wedmore Masonic Hall. On this occasion the meeting will be “ Bro. Ted Bevis 119
chaired by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W.Bro. Ray
Guthrie. This meeting will be open also to Assistant Secretaries,
Scribes and Assistant Directors of Ceremonies; further information
will be sent to all Lodge Secretaries/Scribes.
Mark and Royal Ark Mariners Grand Officers Mess
A further Grand Officers Mess has been arranged for Tuesday 5
October 2010 at Nailsea Masonic Hall commencing at 12.30 for 1pm.
If any Grand Officer has not received the information regarding this
together with a booking form and would like to attend, I would be
grateful if they would contact me as soon as possible.
In the past editions of Triangle I indicated that I would like to
establish a directory of speakers who would be prepared to give
talks or presentations relevant to the Mark Degree or Royal Ark
Mariner Degree to any Lodge who are in the unfortunate position of Get Well Soon Right Worshipful Provincial
not having a candidate...continued top right. Grand Master, from all the members of the Else
Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 102.