Page 6 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 6

I s l e   o f   W e d m o r e   L o d g e ,   N o .   1 2 1 9

                    Consecrated Wednesday 12th May 2010 at Wedmore Masonic Hall

             The Isle of Wedmore (Daylight) Lodge, No. 1912.  was sprinkled and salt was strewed on each of the 29 Petitioners
            The first Mark Lodge to be Consecrated since 1988.   present; the Isle of Wedmore Mark Lodge, No. 1912 was Dedicat-
         The Lodge Room was filled to capacity and rose to the triumphant   ed, Consecrated and concluded with the Patriarchal Benediction
         organ playing of Barry Renwick, the Provincial Grand Organist   proclaimed by the Chaplain.
         to admit the Sword and Standard Bearers, followed by R.W.Bro.   There  followed  the  Installation  of  the  first  Worshipful  Master,
         David Nelson, Provincial Grand Master for Somerset, his Dep-  John Newland Peters performed with great sincerity by Deputy
         uty V.W.Bro. Raymond Guthrie and members of the Provincial   PGM Raymond Guthrie. W. Master John then invested each Lodge
         Team. R.W.Bro. David welcomed all to the meeting and addressed   Officer with a personal thank you, the Lodge By-Laws were ap-
         the brethren on the object of this special occasion.  The follow-  proved and the business of the first Lodge Meeting was concluded.
         ing Consecration Ceremony was spectacular, directed throughout   This happy day ended with a thoroughly enjoyable Festive Board
         by the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies Ray Johnstone-  catered for by Zeina Catering and her staff. We all look forward to
         Smith. The lengthy Ceremony being performed by Right Worship-  the first Lodge Meeting in June....Pat Morrisey.
         ful  Brother  David  together  with  the  Provincial  Grand  Chaplain   Pictured left, David Nelson, Peter Layzell, John Peters, Barry
         Vernon Harding, who presented a stunning Oration at the begin-      Burridge and Ray Guthrie.
         ning of the Ceremony. Corn was scattered, wine was poured, oil   And right, “Cheers” from W. Master John Peters

                                     Tony Wilcox  M e e t   t h e   N e w   W a r d e n s  Neil Hawes

                                       Senior Warden             Junior Warden
                                    Tony was Advanced into the   Neil  was  Advanced  into
                                    Science  Lodge,  128  during   the  Royal  Sussex  Lodge
                                    April 1988 ultimately becaming   of  Mark  Master  Masons,
                                    Master in 2000. He has been   177  in  September  1993,
                                   Lodge  Secretary  for  the  last   worked  through  all  the
                                   ten  years.  His  first  Provincial   offices and was Installed as
                                   Office  was  PrGrand  Standard   Master in 2000. In 2002 he
                                   Bearer,  he  was  promoted  to
                                   PastPrGrand-Registrar  and  at   was appointed to the active
                                  the  recent  Annual  Meeting  of   rank  of  Provincial  Grand
          Provincial Grand Lodge was again promoted to the prestigious   Junior Deacon.
          rank of Provincial Grand Senior Warden.             2010  was  a  double;  he  was  Installed  again  as  Master  of
          Tony was Elevated into the Herbert Fuller Lodge of Royal Ark   his Lodge and promoted to active Provincial Grand Junior
          Mariners in 1997 and became Commander in 2008 and 2009. I   Warden,  by  our  Provincial  Grand  Master  at  the  Annual
          asked Tony what his feelings were when he received his Collar,   meeting held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 1  May
          having known about it for a long time previously. “The moment   In RAM, Neil was Elevated into the Irwin Lodge of Royal
          I had been waiting for so long. My Senior Warden collar was   Ark Mariners, 119 in November 1997, achieved the chair
          placed about my neck and I sat in the Senior Wardens chair. I   of Worshipful Commander in 2004 and became Scribe in
          was thrilled; a day I shall never forget. I promise that I will visit   2010.
          all the Mark Lodges as much as possible and hopefully more   Neil is a busy man!
          than once. See you on the circuit”. Congratulations Tony…Ed.  Both Pictures, courtesy Guthrie Photographic Services.

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