Page 7 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 7

Transports of Delight, Lendon style

          It has come to our notice that John Lendon has recently had extensive   an Elephant Camp on the banks of the Zambezi; there he met the
          training on the intricacies of computers. Having discovered the on   elephants and their handlers. He rode through the bush, along the
          switch, he eagerly awaits stage two of his training programme.   banks of the river and had the opportunity to ‘interact’ with the
          So for the moment he is using his tried and tested method to deliver   elephants, (Interact = allowing a two way flow of information).
          his Lodge Summons throughout the Province. Unfortunately he is   The Safari ended with breakfast and a chance to view a video of his
          finding his old method of swinging through the trees, rather too   personal elephant experience: we look forward to seeing the video
          strenuous (see Triangle Issue 5, February 2009) and has therefore   John!  …Ed.
          been trying-out faster modes of transport. Ostrich riding proved to
          be too fast, causing him to lose most of his summons,
          whilst  those  that  survived  were
          quickly  eaten  by  his
          mount! John’s comment
          was,  “It  was  just  like
          riding  at  Cheltenham
          Method two, the elephant
          dispatch  riding  was  also
          unsuccessful,  Due  to  the
          steady  pace  and  altitude,
          the paperwork was outdated
          before it reached its various
          FACT. John went on Safari to

                             What Comes Around - Goes Around!

                                                              Come  Saturday  with
                                                              new  guests  arriving,
                                                              many  brethren  and
                                                              their  ladies  set  out
                                                              to  explore  the  area,
                                                              returning  in  good
                                                              time  to  change  and
                                                              be  greeted  by  our
                                                              Provincial  Grand
                                                              Master David Nelson
                                                              accompanied  by his
          The event we had looked forward to since last year arrived with   lady  Catherine  and
          perfect timing on Saturday 27  March; thanks mainly to the hard   Deputy  Provincial
          work  and  planning  of  Dorothy  and  Tony  Snook  our  Festival   Grand Master Raymond Guthrie with his lady Hazel. During the
          organisers; the ever popular Mark weekend           dinner, to the accompaniment of Mike Alvey on the piano, the
          at the Redcliffe Hotel, Paignton had begun.                   minimum of formalities were conducted. The toasts
          The weather was kind and for those of us                      to The Queen and the Grand Master, Prince Michael
          lucky enough to arrive on the Friday, most                    of Kent was given by the PGM, followed by that to
          moving into the same rooms we occupied                        our ever popular PGM given by W. Bro. Chris White,
          last year and being surrounded by the same                    whose words were received with obvious approval by
          happy smiling faces it seemed we had never                    all present. The ladies toast was given to that raconteur
          really left.                                                  and wit Steve Defries, which raised a few eyebrows and
          A swim in the heated pool, a lounge in the                    nods of approval from both brethren and ladies in turn.
          Jacuzzi and a poaching in the terrifying heat                 The evening ended with the usual bar and ballroom to
          of the steam room, set you in the right mood                  the music of Paul and Suzy Brown, our ever popular
          for a wonderful dinner Friday evening, Roast                  multi-instrumentalists with a dance for every mood. As
          Duckling  with  all  the  trimmings,  crème                   per the custom, Tony Snook was kept busy accepting
          brulèe, bread-and-butter pudding, you name                    deposits for next year’s soiree! Book soon!!
          it, it was there. A drink in the bar followed                 Top left. David, Catherine, Hazel and Ray,
          and for the more active guests, a turn round                  top right, Steve Defries with a sceptical DC
          the dance floor sent you happily off to bed.                  btm. Chris White in full swing.

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