Page 5 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 5

Annual Provincial Meeting, The Webbington Hotel

           This year’s Annual Meeting, at its usual venue, the Webbington   Mark  Master  Masons,  Advanced  over  the  last  year.
          Hotel,  near  Axbridge  was  held  under  the  Banner  of  the  Portal   The  highlight  of  the  meeting  arrived  with  the  appointment  of
          Lodge,  No.  155  who  meet  at  Frome.  Under  the  watchful  eye   the  incoming  Senior  and  Junior  Wardens,  the  new  Provincial
          of  Provincial  Director  of  Ceremony  Ray  Johnstone-Smith,  all   Team,  the  re-appointment  of  Executive  Officers,  and  the  first
          rose  to  receive  the  Portal  Lodge  Banner,  accompanied  by  the   time  Appointment  and  Promotion  of  brethren;  each  greeted
          Master  of  the  Lodge  and  his  supporting  Brethren.  This  was   and  invested  individually  by  RW.Brother  David  Nelson.
          closely  followed  by  visiting  Dignitaries  and  Provincial  Guests.   The PGM then rose to address the meeting, the full report can be read on
          Again on command, all rose to greet and applaud the Provincial   the Mark Provincial Web Site,
          Grand  Master  for  Somerset,  The  Right  Worshipful  Brother   Provincial  Grand  Lodge  was  then  closed  in  due  form,
          David  Brian  Nelson  accompanied  by  his  Deputy,  The  Very   the  Provincial  Grand  Master,  his  Deputy,    Provincial
          Worshipful Brother Raymond Guthrie and the Provincial Team.  Team  and  visiting  Dignitaries  retired  from  the  assembly.
          The  opening  hymn  was  sung  and  Provincial  Grand  Lodge  was   Many  ladies  had  accompanied  the  brethren  to  the  meeting
          opened  in  due  form.  The  PGM  next  welcomed  a  delegation  of   and  were  separately  entertained  by  a  talk  from    Mrs.  Marilyn
          Royal Ark Mariners, dressed in their regalia and representing the ten   Sydenham on “Hearing Dogs for Deaf People”, one of the two
          RAM Lodges in the Province. The PGM then rose to welcome by   charities  the  PGM  had  chosen  for  this  Masonic  year;  a  cheque
          name all the visiting dignitaries from Somerset and the many other   for £10,000 had been presented to this charity at an earlier date.
          Provinces; some new friends and some old friends of the Province.   The  Happy  atmosphere  continued  into  the  Festive
          A Roll of all Somerset Mark and RAM Lodges was next called and it was   Board  that  accompanied  the  meeting,  with  minimum
          gratifying to note that every Lodge named was answered by many voices!  speeches  and  maximum  enjoyment  and  laughter.
          The  remaining  items  of  business  were  speedily  proposed,   A  very  satisfactory  end  to  a  pleasant  day  and  a
          seconded  and  dealt  with,  including  a  welcome  to  all  new   special  event  on  the  Provincial  Calendar  each  year!
                                                                       The two charities pictured below shows first the St.
                                                                       John City of Wells Division Ambulance staffed by
                                                                         Kevin Penny and Donna-Marie Mac Pherson.
                                                                       This Ambulance is the PGM’s second chosen charity
                                                                       and £10,000 has been pledged to purchase an ECG
                                                                       Monitor to turn the Crusader Ambulance into a fully
                                                                                 equiped Paramedic unit;.
                                                                                  Bottom centre shows
                                                                         Pearl Withyman with her hearing dog Pasha.


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