Page 3 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 3

The General Purposes Committee, What’s that?

          You will have seen the item on the agenda of the Annual Provincial   benefit  to  our  Province.  The  committee  members  collect  these
          Mark  Meeting  at  the  Webbington  and  you  may  have  heard  the   ideas and concerns and discuss them with the PGM at face to face
          Provincial Grand Master announce the four members who are to be   meetings, the committee undertakes to preserve the anonymity of the
          elected to the board but I suspect that only a handful will have any   brother who raises the item, if requested to do so.
          idea what it is all about. For years now we have been electing its   Having  such  a  method  of  presenting  ideas  ensures  that  the  PGM
          members but it has been largely ineffectual until quite recently when   acknowledges the existence and is encouraged to provide a response.
          our Provincial Grand Master, David Nelson decided that it should   The very fact that the PGM has instigated this forum for full and
          have some real and effective purpose. Since then its four elected   frank discussion, speaks volumes of his intention to engage with the
          members have been spreading the word around the province as to   membership and I can vouch that it has already proved beneficial
          the purpose of the committee .This article will, it is hoped, further   to  our  Province.  The  members  of  the  board  are,  Peter  Atkins-
          their efforts.                                      Minehead, Terry Wood-Taunton, Cliff Hanabus-Nailsea and Tony
          The  purpose  of  the  board  is  to  provide  a  conduit  between  every   Chapman- Bridgwater. I would encourage you to put your ideas to
          member of a Mark or Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in our province and   them and thereby be assured that your observations will reach the ear
          the Provincial Grand Master. This conduit can be used to answer   of the Provincial Grand Master to the best effect.
          individual concerns or to put forward suggestions that may be of   ...Peter Atkins, Chairman.

                                        A Little Note of Nostalgia!

                              In the minutes of the 56th meeting of   The  Minutes  of  the  57   meeting  of
                              Hallam Lodge, 730 on 22  November   Hallam  Lodge  on  the  28   February
                              1933  there  is  mentioned  receipt  of  a   1934 lists W.Bro. J.B.Given- Master
                               letter  from  the  Secretary  of  the  Else   of  Else  and  W.  Bros.  C.Midgley,
                               Lodge,  102,  inviting  the  W.Master,   A.E.M.Lawrence,  A.H.Ward  and
                               Officers  and  Brethren  of  the  Hallam   P.E.Russell  together  with  Bros.,
                               Lodge to a Visit at Weston-super-Mare   Hale,  Hill,  Jones,  Payne,  Parker,
                               on the 13  February 1934.      Wayte  and  Banbury,  all  of  Else
                               It is recorded that the decision was to   Lodge in attendance.
                                accept, and the W.Master W.Bro A.G.   Else  and  Hallam  still  meet  each
                                Binding  proposed  and  W.Bro.  Dr.   other fraternally each year and many
                                Renton, seconded that “We invite the   members of Else are also members
           Master, Officers and Brethren of Else Lodge, in return, be invited   of Thackeray Royal Ark Mariners Lodge which is moored to Hallam!
         to visit us at our meeting in February next”.        Banner pics, Ed. and Ian Strickland.

                  The Travelling Keystone has been roving around   Travelling Ark Progamme
                  the  Province  for  the  last  20  years,  its  mission  to
                  bring  Mark  Masons  together  at  their  various                  2010
                  Lodges, forging new friendships and strengthening   8th Oct. - Cerdic RAM to:-   Fidelity & Unanimity RAM,  348 at Taunton
                  old ones; long may this continue in this our happy   15th Nov. - Fidelity & Unanimity RAM to:- Irwin RAM, 119 at Keynsham
                  Degree!  shown below is the programme for 2010.  6th Dec. - Irwin RAM to :-                    Thackeray RAM , 730 at Clevedon
                      Where are YOU on it   ?                                        2011
                               2010                           16th Feb. - Thackery RAM to:-          Portal RAM, 155 at Frome
                                                              25th March - Portal RAM to:-      William LOng RAM, 191 at Burnham
              27th Sept. Carnarvon Lodge to George Norman Lodge
               6th Oct. George Norman Lodge to Quantock Lodge
                 26th Oct. Quantock  Lodge to Mendip Lodge
                22nd Nov. Mendip Lodge to Royal Sussex Lodge
                24th Nov. Royal Sussex Lodge to Hallam Lodge

           Monday 19th July. The Annual Mark v Craft Bowls Match               Provincial Grand Master’s Appeal
                                                   The Annual Mark v Craft Bowls   May has brought more donations to the
                                                       Match will be held         appeal. The Somerset Installed Mark
                                                              at                 Masters Lodge, Fidelity and Unanimity
                                                   Shepton Mallett Bowls club   Lodge plus the collection from the Provin-
                                                             on                  cial meeting, raised a total of just under
                                                    Monday 19th July at 10am        £1000. Many Thanks to you all!
                                               followed by lunch. If you would like   The PGM hopes that the appeal will raise
                                                  to play contact Ray Guthrie.     £20,000. As at the 31st May 2010
                                              it had reached nearly £15,161!
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