Page 8 - Triangle Summer 2010 Issue 8
P. 8
Grand Officers’ Mess - Grand Officers’ Mess - Grand Officers’ Mess
The latest Grand Officers’ Mess
was held at Clevedon Masonic Hall
on 30 March last. On this occasion
the five new Grand Officers
Designate, Ray Johnstone-Smith,
Gerald Chilcott, Peter Elmont,
John Nicholson and Stuart Hadler
were guests of the Mess. As per
custom, on arrival all were greeted
by our PGM David Nelson
together with Dep. PGM Ray
Guthrie. Members were then
invited to draw a random
number out of the hat, and as
the conversation and laughter
grew louder, each found their
corresponding number placed
around the tables, probably
wondering who was going to
sit next to them! This table plan
always proves popular and ensures a happy mix of personalities.
The lunch was of course up to the usual Clevedon standard
and as the meeting mellowed through good food and wine,
David rose, welcomed all to the Mess and proposed the
Loyal Toast. He then invited comments and topics from
the floor and soon a lively question and answer session
The icing on the cake, so to speak, was the presentation by
John Morgan of a birthday cake complete with lit candles and
shooting stars to a very surprised but delighted Ron Babbage, age
known only to himself! The Mess has proved a useful platform for debate bringing
brethren and Executive members closer together, the suggestion that it should continue as a regular item in the Provincial Calendar was
unanimously applauded. Pictures, top left, clockwise:
a. Greetings from the PGM, b. Dicky Dodsworth gives an opinion to Stuart and Garry c. No argument here! d. Happy Birthday Ron,
e. Let me think about that! and f. Ray and Bob toast our Treasurer and new Grand Officer Designate Peter Elmont...Pics/copy, Ed.
Annual Investiture 2010
At the Annual Investiture of the
Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons
held at Freemason’s’ Hall on Tuesday 9th June 2010
the following Brethren from Somerset were honoured.
First Appointments
W.Bro Ray Johnstone-Smith to AGDC
W.Bro Gerald Chilcott to GrandSteward
W.Bro Peter Elmont to PAGDC
W.Bro John Nicholson to PAGSwdB
W.Bro Stuart Hadler to PGStdB
W.Bro. Ian Cox to PGSD
W.Bro Garry Mackenzie to PGJD
The picture left shows, from left to right: New Grand
Officers, John, Stuart, Gerald, Ray and Peter.
The Somerset Triangle Newsletter is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge
of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
The editor Pat Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs for possible publication,
please send to:- “Ashcombe Lodge”, 3 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare, N. Somerset BS23 2SA.
Tel. 01934 631449. Email:-