Page 2 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 2

Somerset Ancient Mark Masons                               Promotion for our PGM!

                                             The  West  of  England   Our  intrepid  European  reporter  has  obtained  photographic
                                             Multiple  Sclerosis   evidence that our Provincial Grand Master had been discovered
                                             Therapy   Centre,    in foreign climes proudly sporting his latest promotion. The
                                             based  in  Nailsea,  has   prestigious apron shows a lone figure standing against a red
                                             since  1985  provided   background framed with a variable border representing the
                                             care  and  support  for   chequered  existence  of  our  everyday  life.  The  rank  comes
                                             people  with  MS  from   complete with gauntlets in grey and red.
                                             across  the  Greater
                                             Bristol  area  from  the
                                             moment  of  diagnosis.
                                             There are some 1,700
                                             people  with  MS  in
                                             the  area  and  around
                                             100  new  diagnoses
                                             each  year.   MS  is  the
                                             most  common  cause
                                             of disability in the UK
                                             and  usually  strikes
                                             people  in  the  prime
                                             of  life. With  only
                                             limited  care  available
                                             on  the  NHS  for
          this  terrifying  and  unpredictable  condition,  the  Centre  provides  a
          range of affordable therapies such as physiotherapy, oxygen therapy,
          acupuncture,  reflexology,  aromatherapy,  counselling  and  exercise
          classes; it also provides a social environment for its members, helping
          to combat isolation. The Centre needs to raise in excess of £300,000
          each year to keep the doors open for its existing members alone; it
          receives no government or NHS funds, relying on voluntary donations   The completed ceremony was
          and events. In addition, work is underway on the construction of a new   seen  to  move  seamlessly
          purpose-built Centre at Bradley Stoke.  Once complete, the new Centre   into  the  after  meeting
          will allow the Charity to offer support to up to 600 people with MS.  where large plates filled
                                                                  with  locally  produced
            Pictured top: Geoff  Nash (SAMM’s Team Secretary) presenting a   cuisine,  representing
           cheque for £500 to Janet Epplestone - (pictured left), Trust Manager   the  abundance  of  the
                               for the Centre.                    sea,  was  washed  down
            Pictured below, a further cheque for £500 was presented by Geoff    with copious amounts of
              and Derek Wilton to John McCorquodale, Chairman of the   locally obtained red wine. It
                             Portishead Lifeboat.                 was noticed that the occasion
             The Lifeboat is separate from the RNLI and is, like all lifeboats,   was  marked  with  happiness  and
                      dependant on voluntary contributions.
                                                                  carefully controlled merriment.
                                                                             Nice one John!

                                                                                            Did  you  hear  about  the
                                                                                            Lodge  Secretary  who
                                                                                            hurried from Minehead to
                                                                                            Taunton for the Langdale
                                                                                            Mark Lodge Installation,
                                                                                            only  to  find  that  he  had
                                                                                            left his coat back on the
                                                                                            chair?  Was  this  why  a
                                                                                            certain  brother  behind
                                                                                            the bare became coatless,
                                                                                            whilst  the  Secretary
                                                                                            attended to his duties with
                                                                                            coat sleeves half way up
                                                                                            his arms?

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