Page 6 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 6

Fifty Years for Trevor                             Ninety Years for Hallam

           At  a  well-attended  meeting  of   its members. Trevor was Master   Hallam Lodge celebrated its 90th Anniversary in great style at
           Carnarvon Lodge in December   in  1971  and  has  held  many   the Commodore Hotel, Kewstoke on Saturday 22nd October.
           David  Nelson  presented   of  the  offices  of  the  Lodge.   More than seventy members and guests enjoyed a wonderful
           W.Bro  Trevor  Ewins  with  a   Made  a  Provincial  officer  in   evening with plenty of fun and laughter to go with the meal
           certificate  commemorating  his   1973  he  went  on  to  become  a   and the dance afterwards.
           Advancement  into  Carnarvon   Grand Officer in 1995 and was   On  this  special  occasion,  Guest  of  honour  V.W.Bro.  Ray
           Lodge in1961. Carnarvon is the   promoted to PGSD in 2009.  Guthrie gave a heartfelt toast to the Lodge and looked forward
           Provincial Grand Master’s own   Photo  –  Trevor  shares  a  joke   to the centenary in ten years’ time.
           lodge and in his presentation he   with  the  Provincial  Grand   After  which,  Barrie  Webster  explained  that  in  this  its  90th
           made  reference  to  the  positive   Master during the presentation   year the members of Hallam had decided to support the Royal
           contribution  that  Trevor  had   of  his  certificate,  watched   British Legion, an organisation also celebrating 90 years. He
           made on the Lodge and many of   over by Ed Cannon Master of   also explained the links between the William Long Lodge of
                                                                  MMM at Burnham and Hallam and presented a cheque for the
                                                                  magnificent sum of £750 to Mrs Marjorie Lees, Secretary of
                                                                  the Burnham-on-Sea Branch of the Royal British Legion.
                                                                  Mrs Lees responded by thanking the members of Hallam for
                                                                  their great generosity and added that she had also thoroughly
                                                                  enjoyed the evening, which was rounded off with dancing to
                                                                  the excellent and entertaining Stephanie Scott.
                                                                  Thanks to all those who supported the Lodge both on the night
                                                                  and with the fundraising beforehand,
                                                                  BOOK NOW FOR 2021!!!
                                                                  ...Neil Hurcum, Secretary Hallam Lodge MMM, No.730.

               Yatton Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners

         The Yatton Lodge became the 12  Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in the
         Province on the 10  of October 2011. After much planning and hard work
         over many months the Lodge came into being at 11am in the Temple
         at  Yatton  Masonic  Hall.
         Over seventy brethren were
         present to see the Provincial
         Grand Master consecrate the
         Lodge assisted by his team
         of Provincial officers. The
         meeting  was  followed  by
         a special celebratory lunch
         where the new Commander,
         Garry  Mackenzie  thanked
         the PGM and the team for
         helping to launch the new
         The  photo  shows  the  15
         of  the  Founders,  with
         founding  Commander
         Garry  Mackenzie  in  the
         centre  flanked  by  his
         Wardens  Alan  Douglas
         and George Clitheroe.

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