Page 7 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 7

Lean Mean Cycling Machines!

                                            Our  readers  will  be   each, without the need
                                            interested  to  know   to  visit  the  gents
                                            that  two  George   once! The  English
                                           Norman  ‘athletes’   side  was  cooler,
                                           have  completed  a   and  fewer  miles,
                                           Paris to Yatton cycle   approximately 45 miles
                                           ride to raise money for   per  day.   Steve  and
                                           Meningitis UK.  Steve   Graham have collected
                                           Collings  and  Graham   approximately  £4,000
                                           Goodhind formed part   for  Meningitis  UK,
                                           of a group of 14 which   inspired  by  the  very
                                          flew  from  Bristol  to   sad  death  of  a  mutual
                                          Paris  on  Saturday  25    friends  21  month  old
                                          June,  they  were  all   daughter Ruby.
                                          collecting for different   Many months had been
                                          charities.   The  cycle   spent  in  training  and
                                          journey  started  from   preparation  for  this             marathon
          under  the                      Eiffel  Tower,  and   event, which involved cycling to the many pubs in the region, as
          then returned to Yatton via, Versailles, Evreux, Honfleur, Caen,   well as conquering Cheddar Gorge on regular 30 mile practice runs.
          Portsmouth, Salisbury, Frome and home, cycling 330 miles in the   As you can see from the photos, all that exercise has turned them
          process.                                            both into lean, mean, cycling machines! Both Steve and Graham
          Sunday  between  Versailles  and  Evreux  they  cycled  71  miles  in   wish to thank those Brethren who donated a good percentage of the
          100°F of Heat and Monday between Evreux and Honfleur 65 miles   money raised, as did the local community, friends, local businesses
          in 118°F heat, Normandy’s hottest day for 90 years.  Over the Sunday   and the Yeo Valley Lions. Many thanks to Martin Yates for the
          and Monday they drank 10 litres of liquid (allegedly not Beer,)   use of his Lodge of Agriculture Craft Lodge copy...Ed.

                          Fifty Years for John                                      Calling all Mariners

                                                    October was the Installation meeting
                                                    at  Wedmore  for  Sir  Thomas  de   The Provincial Grand
                                                    Cheddre  Craft  Lodge,  9188.  During     Assembly of
                                                    the  proceedings  John  Morey  was          Royal Ark
                                                    presented with his 50 year certificate      Mariners
                                                    and a Bristol Blue vase.                   Masonic Hall
                                                    He  was  happily  supported  by  no         Saturday
                                                    less  than  16  visitors  from  the  Mark                 11th February 2012
                                                    SAMM’s  Team,  plus  a  few  lodge   Download booking form and
                                                    members who were also SAMM’s.    summons from our Mark Web
                                                    The  presentation  was  made  by         Site now!
                                                    Assistant  Provincial  Grand  Master
                                                    John  Winston,  it  was  a  very  happy
                                                    occasion as the picture shows.
                                    Travelling Keystone Programme

           The Travelling Keystone has been roving around                  2012 Programme
                                  the Province for           20th February - William de Irwin Lodge to Carnarvon Lodge
                                  the last 22 years,              20th March - Carnarvon Lodge to Else Lodge
                                  its mission to bring             17th April - Else Lodge to Portcullis Lodge
                                  Mark Masons
                                  together at their             18th May - Portcullis Lodge to William Long Lodge
                                  various Lodges,                7th June - William Long Lodge to Eldon Lodge
                                  forging new           3rd September - Eldon Lodge to Somerset Installed Mark Masters Lodge
                                  friendships and         20th September - Somerset Installed Mark Masters to Science Lodge
                                  strengthening old              3rd October - Science Lodge to Quantock Lodge
                                  ones;  shown right is    30th October- Quantock Lodge to Fidelity and Unanimity Lodge
                                  the programme for
                                  2012.                     26th November Fidelity and Unanimity to Royal Sussex Lodge

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