Page 5 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 5

SAMM’s Celebrate Hallam’s 90 years

                                     The three hundred and sixty eighth regular
                                     meeting  of  the  Hallam  Lodge  held  on
                                      Wednesday 23  November last, marked
                                      the 90  Anniversary of its Warrant dated
                                      1921. To celebrate this special occasion,
                                      the  Somerset  Ancient  Mark  Master’s
                                      (SAMM’s)  were  invited  to  take  the
                                      gavel  and  conduct  an  18   Century
                                       version of a Regular Advancement.
                                       The Lodge Room was full to capacity
                                       with  extra  chairs  needed;  it  was
                                       a  wonderful  evening  of  happiness  and
                                       entertainment with the vivid colours of the
                                       period dress bringing a bright sparkle to
                                            the  event.  The  SAMM’s  members
                                            continued in costume into the Festive
                                            Board and as the festivities continued
                                            through the hot and excellent meal,
                                            the  members  of  Hallam  and  their
                                            guests were not envious of the team
                                            in their thick costumes and wigs!
                                            During 2010 the SAMM’s team had
                                            an extremely busy year, undertaking
                                            six  demonstrations  and  presenting
                                            £2,000 to four chosen charities; 2011
                                            will be no exception! All individual
                                            costumes  and  travelling  expenses
                                            are paid for by each member of the
                                            team so that all monies raised can be
                                            presented to charity…copy/pics, Ed.
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