Page 8 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 8

Grand Officers Mess

                                        The latest Grand Officers’   followed. The Mess has proved a
                                        Mess was held at Clevedon   useful platform for debate bringing
                                        Masonic Hall on Tuesday   brethren  and  Executive  members
                                        11   October  2011.  On   closer  together,  the  next  meeting
                                        arrival all were greeted by   is  planned  for  March  2012  to  the
                                       our  PGM  David  Nelson   approval of all present.
                                       together  with  Provincial   Nearing the end of the discussion, a faint
                                       Grand  Secretary,  John   tinkling  sound  was  heard,  which  sent  those  present  wearing  a
           Morgan.                                               hearing aid to quickly adjust it to stop the whistle. However it
           Members  were  invited  to                            persisted and the tinkling grew into the recognisable refrain of
           draw  a  random  number                               happy birthday! It heralded the arrival of John Morgan bearing
           out  of  the  hat,  and  find                                                a cake complete with musical
           their   corresponding                                                        and  lit  candles  which  was
           number  placed  around                                                       placed before the most modest
           the tables. This table plan                                                  and quiet brother in the room.
           always proves popular and                                                    The  cake was  cut  to  a  cheer,
           ensures  a  happy  mix  of                                                   happy birthday was sung and
           personalities. The lunch was                                                 the  cake  was  eaten!  Happily
           the usual Clevedon delight                                                   one  slice  was  saved  to  take
           with many thanks to Zena and her staff. As the meeting mellowed              home  to  the  long  suffering
           through good food and wine, our PGM rose, welcomed all to the                wife of the ‘birthday boy’, who
           Mess and proposed the Loyal Toast. He then invited comments and   was consequently introduced by our PGM as celebrating his 24
           topics from the floor and soon a lively question and answer session   birthday for the third time!
                      Else Lodge, 102  Installation Meeting Tuesday 15  November 2011
         At the November 2011 Installation Meeting, W. Master
         Gary  Mackenzie  Installed  Master  Elect  Bro.  Michael
         Willis in a faultless and brilliant ceremony that could not
         fail to delight all who saw it.
         The Past Masters who witnessed the Inner Workings all
         agreed that they had not seen finer, Bro. Willis could be in
         no doubt that he was now Master of the Else Lodge.
         Although W. Bro. Gary had been through the Mark Chair
         in the past and was in fact a Grand Officer, to his credit
         he had worked through the Offices of the Lodge over
         several  years  to  regain  the  Masters’  Chair  and  is  an
         example and encouragement to all who followed behind
         Amongst  the  20  guests  present  were  our  Provincial
         Grand Master, Right Worshipful Brother David Nelson
         and the Senior and Junior Wardens of the Province,
         Tony Helliker and Roger Teal;  Ray Johnstone-Smith,
         Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies accompanied
         the PGM.
         In the photo back row, left to right: -
         Ray Johnstone-Smith - Provincial GDC,
         Tony Edwards - Lodge Treasurer,
         Michael Fazackerley - Junior Warden,
         Michael Willis - W.Master, Gary Mackenzie - IPM,
         Peter Penfold - Provincial Grand Junior Deacon
         and Geoff Seaman - Provincial Grand Master  Overseer.
         Front Row:- Tony Helliker - Provincial Grand Senior Warden, David Nelson, our PGM, Roger Teale - Provincial Grand Junior
         Warden and Brian Watkis - Provincial Grand Senior Overseer...pic/copy, Ed.

              The Somerset Triangle Newsletter is produced for the Provincial Grand Lodge
                                    of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
          The editor Patrick Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs for possible publication.
          Please send to:-  “Ashcombe Lodge”, 3 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare, N. Somerset BS23 2SA.
          Tel. 01934 631449. Email:-
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