Page 4 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 4
Provincial Grand Secretary’s Corner
May I first of all take this opportunity of wishing you when it has been arranged.
all a very Happy, Peaceful and more importantly a Provincial Ties and Mark Tokens
Healthy New Year. Provincial Ties and Mark tokens can be obtained from Lodge
A new chapter starts for me personally on the Secretaries. Ties can be purchased either in Polyester at a cost
5 May 2112, when, as you are no doubt aware of £10.00 and Silk at £17.50 each. Mark Tokens are available at
the Provincial Grand Master will be investing a cost of £1.50.
me as the new Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Provincial Website.
Over the past five years I have served this
Province as the Provincial Grand Secretary and I John G. Morgan
would like to take this opportunity expressing my Provincial 600 Club Winners
sincere thanks to all Lodge Secretaries and Scribes
for their valuable help and support over this period. I Congratulations to our lucky winners.
have thoroughly enjoyed my tenure in this office and it has been Speak to your Lodge Charity Steward about entry forms.
a privilege for me to have served the Province in this capacity. The WM and his Wardens draw the lucky winners.
As you can imagine I am looking forward to this new challenge Prizes: 1st.£150, 2nd.£60, 3rd.£40.
immensely but I do appreciate that I have a tremendously hard act to The first three Draws took place at the November 2011
Meeting of the Science Lodge, 128 at Wincanton.
follow. May I take this opportunity of wishing my successor W.Bro.
John Smith, very best wishes in his new role as Provincial Grand The Christmas Draw took place at Cerdic Mark in Chard
Secretary, and I am sure you will give to him the same support that prize was £150, plus five further prizes of £100.
you have given to me.
Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners Draw Name Lodge
On Saturday 11 February 2012 the Provincial Grand Assembly of Sept. W. Bro. Jim Nicol 1295
Royal Ark Mariners will be held at Nailsea Masonic Hall. “ W. Bro. Martin Yates 967
The Assembly is open to all Royal Ark Mariners and the Provincial
Grand Master is anxious that the Commanders of each Lodge “ W. Bro. Phil Thresher 697
together with his Wardens attend wearing their collars of office. Oct. VWBro. Denis Calderley TI
As in previous years, all members Elevated since the last Assembly “ Dr. Nigel Kennedy TI
will receive a personal invitation from the Provincial Grand Master “ Miss Corrina Nicholson 177
inviting them to attend and they will be allocated reserved seating.
The Assembly will commence at 10.45am and Brethren are to be Nov. Bro. Chris Dyer 749
seated by 10.30am. Further information can be obtained from your “ W. Bro. S. G. Wheeler 807
Lodge Scribe. I sincerely hope that all Royal Ark Mariners will “ Bro. Roy Harkness 571
have received a summons and lunch booking form from their Lodge Dec. Mr. George Wilcox (£150) 128
Scribe. A copy of the summons and booking form is also available
on the website for downloading. “ Mrs Diane Hilliar 781
Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge “ W. Bro. Tony Rawlings 781
The Annual Provincial Meeting of Mark Master Masons is to be “ Bro. Tony Wilkins 967
held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 5 May 2012 and the “ W. Bro. Mike Waterman 162
Provincial Grand Master would like as many Brethren to attend as
possible. Again your individual copy of the Provincial Summons “ Bro. Maurice Locke 749
and reply slip for those wishing to dine are included with this copy Jan. W.Bro. Brian Rees 1608
of the Triangle. Those Brethren who are to be appointed Provincial “ W.Bro. S. Wheeler 807
Officers for the forthcoming year will have received a booking form “ Mrs Frances Nicholson 177
for dining with their letter of appointment. As you are no doubt
aware this is the only Province in which ladies are invited to join Feb. W.Bro. Mike Condick 1295
us for dinner following the meeting. For the benefit of the ladies, “ Mrs Elaine Tozer 1295
entertainment is provided during the afternoon whilst the meeting ““ Bro. John K. Morgan 191
is in progress.
Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies Meeting
A meeting for Lodge Secretaries, Scribes and Director of Ceremonies Travelling Ark Progamme
will be held on Friday 31 August 2012 at Wedmore Masonic Hall.
The meeting on this occasion will be chaired by the Deputy Provincial Saturday 11th February 2012 - Nailsea RAM No 1548
Grand Master. Again, this meeting will be open also to Assistant will present the
Secretaries, Scribes and Assistant Directors of Ceremonies. Further Travelling Ark to the
information will be sent to all Lodge Secretaries and Scribes in due
course. Provincial Grand Master
Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Grand Officers Mess at the
W.Bro. C. Hannabuss has taken on the responsibity of organising Provincial Royal Ark
and arranging the Grand Officers Mess. He will be in contact with Mariner Assembly.
all Grand Officers informing them of the date of the next lunch