Page 3 - Triangle Spring 2012 Issue 11
P. 3

What a good idea!

                                                              & much acclamation was expressed. Much
                                                              informal discussion took place amongst those
                                                              present before the guests were entertained at
                                                              the festive board. Also present were R.W.
                                                              Bro  David  Nelson  our  PGM  and  W.Bro
                                                              Roger Blake, Deputy PGM of Gloucester and
                                                              A small extract follows:
                                                              “A beautiful and interesting degree it certainly is, the ceremony of
                                                              elevation is quite short, but packed with meaning and symbolism.
                                                              The Candidate may enter the lodge-room blindfolded, ‘clothed in
                                                              the habiliments of a distressed Mason’ a potential flood victim
                                                              looking for refuge perhaps? As he goes through his ‘elevation’ he
          At  the  regular  Meeting  of  Irwin  Lodge  of  Royal  Ark  Mariners   completes the ceremony in a very different state.
          on  Monday  21st  November,  the  Worshipful  Commander,  Toby   The great point about the Royal Ark Mariner, is that it further
          Hammond welcomed a group of 14 Somerset Mark Master Masons   develops the idea that is the keynote of your Initiation into the
          into the Lodge to hear a short talk on the degree from W.Bro Ray   Craft; the making of a new beginning or an adoption of a new
          Guthrie Deputy PGM. The object was to make brethren aware of   outlook on life”
          the degree and to answer any questions that they may have. It was   Thanks must go to Commander Toby Hammond and Scribe Neil
          the first time in our Province that Mark Master Masons had been   Hawes for organising the evening, which proved very successful.
          invited to a Royal Ark Mariners Lodge and great interest was shown   Pictured left, Senior Warden John Muskett explains the symbols
          from both Mark and RAM brethren as the talk proceeded. At the   on the Royal Ark Mariner Tracing Board to Bill Roberts.
          conclusion W. Bro. Ray was thanked by the Worshipful Commander   ....Pic/copy, Ed.

                                               Top Job for John

                           Dear Editor,                       course consider my appointment a great honour and assure all, the
                             Having  accepted  the  Provincial  Grand   challenge will receive my best attention.I look forward to meeting
                              Masters invitation to become Provincial   and supporting Lodge Secretaries and Scribes both administratively
                               Grand Secretary, the reality of serving   and during my visits around the Province.
                                this very demanding Office has been   Sincerely and Fraternally, John Smith.
                                slowly  sinking  in.    With  absolutely   Editor’s note: John was Advanced into the Mendip Lodge of Mark
                                no  doubts,  I  realise  I  have  a  very   Master Masons No. 781 in 1999, was Master 2008/2009 and is the
                                hard  act  to  follow  in  W.Bro.  John   current Secretary. He was appointed Provincial Grand Registrar for
                                Morgan. John has served the Province   2010/2011. John was also Elevated into William Lodge of Royal Ark
                               so  well  and  we  all  congratulate  him   Mariners No. 191 in 2004 and W. Commander during 2010/2011.
                              on  his  forthcoming  appointment  as   He is a founder member of the Isle of Wedmore MMM No. 1912 and
                             Deputy Provincial Grand Master.  I do of   Founder Treasurer of Portal Lodge RAM No. 155.

                                                                     Fifty Years for Bob

                                                               Southey Craft Lodge Installation held on Monday 17th October 2011
                                                                was a very special occasion. In addition to seeing Derek Wilton
                                                                install his successor Peter Henley in a superb fashion, Bob Cole
                                                                was presented with a certificate celebrating his 50 years in Masonry
                                                                by the Provincial Grand Master Stuart Hadler. Great support was
                                                                shown for Derek and Bob by the number of Mark Masons present,
                                                                 including our PGM David Nelson and his Deputy Ray Guthrie.
                                                                 Stuart Hadler went to great lengths to research Bob’s Masonic
                                                                 career and how it linked with the history of Southey Lodge.
                                                                 From left to right we see:-
                                                                 David  Sage,  Ray  Guthrie-Deputy  PGM  for  Craft  &  Mark,
                                                                 Chris  Gingell-Provincial  Assistant  GDC,  Peter  Henley-WM
                                                                  and Provincial Steward, Bob Cole, Stuart Hadler-PGM, David
                                                                  Mason-Provincial J/Warden and David Nelson-PGM for the
                                                                  Mark Degree in Somerset.
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