Page 320 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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         Key       S8MT-IIIi-j-12                  S8MT-IIIg- h-11                     The deleted LC(S8MT-IIIg- h-11) is deemed not as essential as the retained
         Stage 3  Use the periodic table to        Trace the development of the        LC (S8MT-IIIi-j-12) as it requires the student to use the properties of
                   predict the chemical behavior   periodic table from observations    elements to predict the chemical behavior of an element, hence it is more
                   of an element                   based on similarities in properties  encompassing.
                                                   of elements
         Key       S11/12PS-IIIc-d17               S11/12PS-IIId-e18                   The deleted LC (S11/12PS-IIId-e18) is subsumed in   the retained  LC
         Stage 4  describe the general types of    give the type of intermolecular     (S11/12PS-IIIc-d7).
                   intermolecular forces           forces in the properties of

        Grade Level:   Grade 3
        Subject:       Science

         Quarter  Content Standard                          Performance Standard
                                                                                                             Most Essential Learning Competencies       Duration
                   The learners demonstrate                 The learners should be able to...
                   understanding of...
         1st       ways of sorting materials and            group common objects found at home and in  Classify objects and materials as solid,         Week 1-
                   describing them as solid, liquid or gas   school according to solids, liquids and gas    liquid, and gas based on some observable    2
                   based on observable properties                                                          characteristics;
                                                                                                           Describe changes in materials based on the   Week 3-
                                                                                                           effect of temperature:                       5
                                                                                                            1 solid to liquid
                                                                                                            2 liquid to solid
                                                                                                            3 liquid to gas
                                                                                                              4 solid to gas
         2nd       parts, and functions of the sense        practice healthful habits in taking care of the  Describe the functions of the sense organs   Week 1
                   organs of the human body;                sense organs;                                  of the human body
                   parts and functions of animals and       enumerate ways of grouping animals based       Describe animals in their immediate          Week 2
                   importance to humans                     on their structure and importance              surroundings
                                                                                                           Identify the external parts and functions of   Week 2
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