Page 323 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 323
beneficial and harmful interactions Describe the effect of the environment on Week 5
occur among living things and their the life cycle of organisms
environment as they obtain basic needs Describe some types of beneficial and Week 6
harmful interactions among living things
Describe the effects of interactions among Week 7
organism in their environment
3rd force that can change the shape, size or Explain the effects of force when applied Week 1-
movement of objects. to an object 2
Characterize magnetic force Week 3
how light, heat and sound travel using demonstrate conceptual understanding of Week 4-
Describe how light, sound and heat travel
various objects properties/characteristics of light, heat and 5
sound Investigate properties and characteristics of Week 6-
light and sound 7
4th the different types of soil Compare and contrast the characteristics of Week 1
different types of soil
the different sources of water suitable Explain the use of water from different Week 2
for human consumption sources in the context of daily activities
Trace and describe the importance of the Week 3
water cycle
components of weather using simple practice precautionary measures in planning Use weather instruments and describe the Week 4
instruments activities different weather components in a weather
Identify safety precautions during different Week 5
weather conditions
the Sun as the main source of heat and Describe the changes in the position and Week 6
light on Earth length of shadows in the surroundings as
the position of the Sun changes
Describe the effects of the Sun to human Week 6