Page 324 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 324


        Grade Level:   Grade 5
        Subject:       Science

         Quarter  Content Standard                           Performance Standard
                                                                                                          Most Essential Learning Competencies          Duration
                   The learners demonstrate                  The learners should be able to...
                   understanding of...
         1st       properties of materials to determine      uses local, recyclable solid and/or liquid   Use the properties of materials whether       Week 1-
                   whether they are useful or harmful        materials in making useful products          they are useful or harmful                    2
                   materials undergo changes due to                                                       Investigate changes that happen in            Week 3-
                   oxygen and heat                                                                        materials under the following conditions:     4
                                                                                                              1 presence or lack of oxygen
                                                                                                                2 application of heat
                                                                                                          Design a product out of local, recyclable     Week 5-
                                                                                                          solid and/ or liquid materials in making      6
                                                                                                          useful products.
         2nd       how the parts of the human                Practice proper hygiene to care of the       Describe the parts of the reproductive        Week 1
                   reproductive system work                  reproductive organs                          system and their functions
                                                                                                          Explain the menstrual cycle                   Week 2
                   how animals reproduce                     create a hypothetical community to show      Describe the different modes of               Week 3
                                                             how organisms interact and reproduce to      reproduction in animals such as  butterflies,
                                                             survive                                      mosquitoes, frogs, cats and dogs
                   how plants reproduce                                                                   Describe the reproductive parts in plants     Week 4
                                                                                                          and their functions
                                                                                                          Describe the different modes of               Week 5
                                                                                                          reproduction in flowering and non-
                                                                                                          flowering plants such as moss, fern, mongo
                                                                                                          and others
                   the interactions for survival among                                                    Discuss the interactions among living things   Week 6
                   living and non-living things that take                                                 and non-living things in estuaries and
                   place in estuaries and intertidal zones                                                intertidal zones
                                                                                                          Explain the need to protect  and conserve     Week 7
                                                                                                          estuaries and intertidal zones
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