Page 573 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 573


                                                                                                      efficient   and     effective
                                        The learner                    The    learner   administers  exhibits  appreciation  of  the         Week 12-14
                                        demonstrates                   accurately        movement  value of
                                        understanding of               screens.                       measurement  for  efficient
                                        movement analysis for                                         and effective
                                        efficient and effective                                       performance
                                        The learner demonstrates       The  learner  designs  sound  identifies  course  of  action
                                        understanding of different     practice                       appropriate for
                                        theories of motor control      sessions.                      various needs and skill levels;
                                        and learning for efficient                                    recognizes  the  value  of
                                        and effective performance                                     quality of practice for
                                                                                                      efficient   and     effective
                                        The learner                    The    learner   administers  exhibits  appreciation  of  the         Week 15-20
                                        demonstrates                   accurately        movement  value of
                                        understanding of               screens.                       measurement  for  efficient
                                        movement analysis for                                         and effective
                                        efficient and effective                                       performance
                                        The learner demonstrates       The  learner  designs  sound  modifies  course  of  action
                                        understanding of different     practice                       based on feedback;
                                        theories of motor control      sessions.                      and
                                        and learning for efficient                                    recognizes  the  value  of
                                        and effective performance                                     quality of practice for
                                                                                                      efficient   and     effective
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