Page 572 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 572
movement analysis for movement screens. screen;
efficient and effective exhibits appreciation of the
performance value of
measurement for efficient
and effective
The learner demonstrates The learner designs sound recognizes the value of
understanding of different practice quality of practice for
theories of motor control sessions. efficient and effective
and learning for efficient performance.
and effective performance.
The learner The learner administers relates screen result to Week 7-9
demonstrates accurately movement current performance
understanding of screens. exhibits appreciation of the
movement analysis for value of
efficient and effective measurement for efficient
performance. and effective
The learner demonstrates The learner designs sound recognizes the value of
understanding of different practice quality of practice for
theories of motor control sessions. efficient and effective
and learning for efficient performance.
and effective performance.
The learner The learner administers exhibits appreciation of the Week 10-11
demonstrates accurately movement value of
understanding of screens. measurement for efficient
movement analysis for and effective
efficient and effective performance
The learner demonstrates The learner designs sound explains the different
understanding of different practice theories of motor
theories of motor control sessions. control and learning;
and learning for efficient recognizes the value of
and effective performance quality of practice for