Page 575 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 575


        Grade Level: Grade 11
        Subject: Sports Officiating and Activity Management

                   Semester                  Content Standard             Performance Standard          Most Essential Learning                Duration
                                        The learner...                The learner...                 Identifies fundamental                   Weeks 1-3
                                        demonstrates understanding  officiates with authority in     concepts, principles, skills and
                                        of the fundamental            interscholastic                mechanics of sports
                                        principles, and concepts of   games/competitions.            officiating
                                        sports officiating for
                                        effective conduct of
                                                                                                     Explains officiating mechanics           Weeks 4-5
                                                                                                     of the sport
                                                                                                     Interprets rules of the sport;           Weeks 6-7
                                                                                                     Demonstrates appropriate                Weeks 1-10
                                                                                                     personal, social, and ethical
                                                                                                     behavior while officiating
                                                                                                     Utilizes management skills               Weeks 8-9
               Second Semester
                                                                                                     during  games/competitions;
                                                                                                     Analyses own performance                  Week 10
                                                                                                     after a game/competition;
                                                                                                     Values the importance of                Weeks 1-10
                                                                                                     understanding sports
                                                                                                     officiating leading towards a
                                        demonstrates understanding  accomplishes a                   Identifies fundamental                    Week 11
                                        of the fundamental concepts  comprehensive activity          concepts of activity
                                        of management for the         management portfolio           management
                                        effective conduct of sports,
                                        fitness and recreation
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