Page 567 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 567


                                                                                                    c.  demonstration  of  positive  attitude  towards
                                                                                                    d. self-challenging attitude to self-criticism

        Grade Level: Grade 12
        Subject: Production in the Performing Arts

          Quarter              Content Standards                   Performance Standards                  Most Essential Learning Competencies          Duration
                                                                               The learner…
                       demonstrates an understanding of      plans and organizes pre-production      identifies the various departments as well as
                       the range of processes, structures    processes by designing a working        designs an organizational structure in a theater
                       and functions in the field of         timetable, developing the working       production
                                                                                                                                                         WEEK 1
                       performing arts                       script, conducting and documenting      identifies the possible careers associated with

                                                             production meetings and                 the performing arts field by undergoing the
                                                             preliminary outputs from the            process of a production

                                                             various production teams                conceptualizes a chosen material for staging

                                                                                                     which may include reworking of a pre-existing
                                                                                                     material or creating an original piece

         2  SEM/                                                                                     collaborates with other art disciplines

         QUARTER                                                                                     creates music, dance and designs appropriate to    WEEK 2-
         3                                                                                           the production concept                                 4

                                                                                                     recognizes local heritage and folk tradition or
                                                                                                     other artistic forms that may be used in staging a
                                                                                                     chosen piece

                                                                                                     identifies appropriate performance venue

                                                                                                    develops the initial part of theatrical performance
                                                                                                    either by way of text analysis or by engaging into
                                                                                                                                                        WEEK 5-
                                                                                                    stage experimentations and improvisations
                                                                                                    designs the physical action and movement on
                                                                                                    stage of the theatrical performance through
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