Page 564 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 564
applies the different types of
technological programs in managing 27. exhibits awareness and understanding of Week 2
the arts technology in managing the arts:
a. web, internet, social media)
b. applies ICT program managing the arts
database, power point, graphics
demonstrates an understanding of understands and analyzes the 4Ps of 28. produces the following through their outputs Week 2
the 4Ps of Marketing Marketing on Marketing and Arts Events:
2 a. the 4Ps of Marketing of an arts event
Semester demonstrates understanding and
awareness determines the use of different forms
of communication to promote the art b. different communication forms to promote art
event events:
applying the different forms of - print ads (flyers &invitations)
communication to promote art writes a communications proposal on - posters and tarpaulins
events how to promote and market the art - advertisements
demonstrates an understanding of event:
the communication process (SMCR) school level and community c. the different communication elements (SMCR)
based/level d. application of the appropriate communication
forms/org to promote the art event
e. mapping of the available communication forms/
organization in the area
f. how to explore the different communication
forms/orgs in the area
2 demonstrates understanding and develops marketing messages using 29. writes a brief information to promote and Week 3
Semester creativity in marketing different forms of technologies to market the event
communication promote the art event
demonstrates awareness and makes an audience survey design 30. identifies, explores the different technologies Week 3
understanding of audience applying the basic sales strategy to promote the art event