Page 563 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 563


                     venues  for  the  art  events  and  their  coordinates   effectively   among
                     space requirements                     production      personnel:     artists,  c.  how  to  connect  project  requirements  to
                                                            production and technical staff          potential project resources
                                                                                                    d.  identification  of  the  different  types  of
                     develops    an    understanding    of  identifies  appropriate  venues  for  materials/equipment used in each type of project
                     programming concepts                   particular art events

                     identifies the different budget items  schedules  the     program    of   art  e. relationship of the different possible venues for
                     for different art                      events/activities                       possible  art  events  based  on  production
                                                            relates  the  budget  items  to  the  requirements
                                                            different art forms

                                                                                                    f. analysis of the different budget items; costs out a
                                                                                                    production budget
                     analyzes  the  different  budget  items  makes  a  project  budget  and  an  24. makes an expense-income financial report          Week 1
                     for different art forms                expense=income  report  for  the  art
                     explores     the    creative    work  builds  and  maintains  positive  self- 25.  role-plays  in  class  how  economic  and  social  Week 1
                     environment as an employee and as a  image and relationships and work          needs influence the nature and structure of work
                     freelance/project hiree
                     demonstrates  an  understanding  of  applies  technologies  to  management  26.  identifies  the  appropriate  technologies  for  Week 2
                     the  role  of  technology  in  managing  processes                             certain  management  processes  (i.e.  typography,
                     the arts                                                                       graphic design)
                                                                                                    identifies  proper  technological  programs  to  be
                                                                                                    used in the art event
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