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                     develops        awareness        and  determines ticket pricing for the event  31.  explains/discusses  the  following  Marketing   Weeks
                     understanding  of  the  basic  sales                                           topics:                                                4 -5
                     strategies                                                                     a. basic audience analysis
                                                                                                    b.  relationship  of  demographics  to  audience
                     comprehends      principles   behind                                           behavior towards art forms
                     ticketing  (budget  income=expense                                             c.  identification  of  the  different  audience  survey
                     report)                                                                        designs
                                                                                                    d. the importance of conducting audience survey
                                                            relates/  translates  the  laws  on  to  e. identification of the basic sales strategies
                     develops        awareness        and  practical applications                   f.  the  appropriate  ticket  price  for  the  particular
                     understanding  of  the  basic  laws                                            event:
                     governing arts and culture             performs  basic  application  of  certain   -  Fund Raisings
                                                            laws: e.g Oplan Bantay Sining/Kultura:.   -  Arts for a Cause
                                                            identifying  (possible)  violations  of  g. complies to the laws—identification of (possible)
                                                            these  laws  such  as  sale  of  pirated  violations in their communities
                                                            DVDs, disrespect of cultural treasures  h.  identification  and  reporting  of  (possible)
                     Basic  standard  deductions:  SSS,  etc.                                       violations  in  their  communities  of  basic
                     Philhealth, etc                                                                constitutional rights:
                                                            includes  tax  systems  (deductions)  in  -- Freedom of Expression
                                                            the  financial  transactions  of  the  art  -- Intellectual Property Rights
                                                            event                                   -- National Heritage Law
                                                                                                    -- Indigenous People's Rights Law
                                                            applies  TINs  from  BIR;  prepare  -- Basic Taxation Systems: Income Tax, VAT, etc.
                                                            applications for SSS PhilHealth ,etc.

                                                                                                    32.  Basic  understanding  of  the  tax  system  and   4 -5
                                                                                                    required government deductions (SSS, Philhealth,
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