Page 562 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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                                                                                                    g. how work contributes to individuals and to the
                     demonstrates      knowledge      and                                           19.  exhibits/demonstrates  the  following  in  the  Weeks 6-
                     understanding  of  basic  business                                             accomplishment of all these assigned tasks in class:    7
                     communication skills                                                           a.    efficiency    in     reviewing     business
                                                                                                    communications:  job  application,  resume  writing
                     demonstrates appreciation of the self                                          for  the  arts,  a  consumer  complaint,  sponsorship
                     as an employee in an organization      builds collaborative/ teamwork          letters, etc.
                                                                                                    b. documentation and recognition of the fact that
                     understands  one's  role  in  the                                              each one’s work contributes to the individuals and
                     organization                                                                   to the organization

             2       demonstrates  a  deep  understanding  decides on an appropriate project type  20. describes the different project types            Weeks 6-
         Semester  and  appreciation  of  the  different  for the art event                         21. discusses in groups the following topics:           7
                     types  of  projects  of  the  different                                        a.  different  types  of  projects  of  the  various  art
                     performing arts, and of visual, media                                          forms  to  the  type  of  needs  and  availability  of
                     art and design forms                                                           resources
                                                                                                    b. the different types of projects of the different
                                                                                                    performing, visual, media art and design forms
                                                                                                    c. relationship of the different types of projects of
                                                                                                    the  various  art  forms  to  the  type  of  needs  and
                                                                                                    availability of resources

                     demonstrates      awareness      and  relates the different types of projects  22.  identifies  the  uniqueness  of  the  different   Week 8
                     understanding  of  the  different  of the various art forms to the context  cultural traditional forms
                     cultural traditional forms             of the community
                     demonstrates  an  understanding  of  develops concrete production logistical  23. Reports by group the following Programming        Week 8
                     the production management process  requirements                                and Production topics:
                     of  the  different  performing,  visual,                                       a.  how  to  make  a  checklist  of  production
                     media and art design forms             demonstrates       knowledge        of  requirements,    both    staffing   and   physical
                                                            coordination skills                     production requirements
                                                                                                    b.   identification   of   physical    production
                     develops    an    appreciation   and                                           requirements      production  venue,  production
                     understanding  of  the  different  arts                                        design (sets, props)
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