Page 558 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 558


        Grade Level: Grade 12
        Subject: Integrating Elements and Principles of Organization in the Arts

          Quarter                Content Standards                      Performance Standards               Most Essential Learning Competencies        Duration
                                                                              The learner…
                    demonstrates an understanding of the           evaluates the different elements    identifies different elements and principles of
                    different elements of art, how they are seen   seen in everyday objects and their  organization in the arts, its potential to express   WEEK 1-
                    in the everyday, and how they create           meanings                            one’s feelings and ideas, and to create              3
                    meanings                                                                           meanings in everyday objects
            1       understands the different elements and                                             analyzes the elements and principles of
          Quarter  principles of organization in the arts and how                                      organization in the arts (painting, print,
                    they are applied to the various forms of art to   evaluates the different elements   photography and other forms of two-            WEEK 4-
                    communicate ideas, create meaning, and          and principles of organization in   dimensional art; sculpture, installation and        8
                    elicit response from the audience               art works                          other forms of three-dimensional art; and

                    relates the elements and principles of the     evaluates the different elements    portrays Philippine folk arts, chants and myths
                    different arts—applied to the literary arts,   and principles of organization in   through integrated artistic storytelling using   WEEK 1-
                    cinema and visual arts—as both individual      art works                           digital tools (i.e. digital story, animation, short   3
                    and integrated fields                                                              film, shadow play)
                                                                                                       enhances a given story by introducing
            2                                                                                          embellishment and                                WEEK-4-
          Quarter                                                                                      improvisation as inspired by other art forms
                    demonstrates the ability to communicate        manipulates the elements and        creates an art work that applies the knowledge
                    feelings and ideas, and creates meanings       principles of organization in the   of their specialization
                                                                                                                                                        WEEK 6-
                    through the manipulation of the elements       arts in order to communicate                                                             8
                    and the principles of the arts in selected     ideas, express emotions, and
                    forms of creative expression                   create meanings
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