Page 556 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 556
2 Sem demonstrates an understanding of the examines the local, national and researches on the situation of performing Week 18
application of performing arts skills for local, global landscape of performing arts-related industries in their immediate
national and global demands and arts-related industries through locality and in the nation and global setting
opportunities research. understands the skills, resources, and
opportunities in performing arts-related
presents a report either individually or as a
group on their findings on the skills,
resources, and work opportunities available
in performing arts-related industries
Grade Level: Grade 12
Subject: Physical and Personal Development in the Arts
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration
The learner…
identifies the parts of the body involved in the WEEK 1-
creation/performance of different art forms 2
displays a knowledge of movements
identifies hazardous materials, industry-related WEEK 3-
and habits that help prevent injuries
demonstrates an understanding of injuries and their causes used in art production 4
1 related to art forms
how the body functions in the practices basic first-aid measures according to WEEK 5-
creative work environment hazards during art production 6
shows knowledge of the develops proper personal hygiene regimen suitable WEEK 7-
maintenance of physical and for the art form
personal well-being
executes proper physical exercises in demonstrates different warm-ups and exercises for
a classroom setting the performing arts to prevent injury and encourage
applies safety and professional professional longevity
2 practices in the creative work produces a working resume draft that contains
Quarter environment demonstrates an understanding of his/her basic profile and artistic skills WEEK 3
the professional tools and a good researches and writes a report on the local and
working environment international market conditions related to a specific
art form