Page 555 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 555


                                                                                                         interprets appropriate phrasing, articulation
                                                                                                         and dynamics in performing instrumental
           2  Sem      1.  demonstrates basic choral skills            1.  sings expressively with good  sings simple 2- or 3-part  choral
                                                                           vocal technique, observing    arrangements
                       2.  demonstrates basic  conducting skills           changes in dynamics and       uses proper enunciation  and vocal
                                                                           tempo                         techniques such as breathing and control
                                                                                                         interprets and applies dynamic and tempo
                                                                       2.  conducts pieces with          marks in singing
                                                                           precise movements             conducts pieces in duple, triple, and
                                                                           indicating desired tempo,     quadruple meter using appropriate hand
                                                                           dynamics and expression       and arm gestures
                                                                                                         indicates attacks and releases clearly in
           2  Sem      demonstrates knowledge and understanding       performs a 5 to 10-minute          identifies the historical background of       Week 13
                       of the different dance forms performed in the   dance with well-executed dance  Philippine dances including costumes and
                       Philippines                                    steps, artistry proper music and   music:
                                                                      costume                            •  Pre-colonial Philippine Dance
                                                                                                         •  Regional Philippine Dances
                                                                                                         •  Classical and  Filipino Contemporary
                                                                                                         executes basic stance, forms, positions and   Week 14
                                                                                                         contextual meaning of a dances
                                                                                                         explains the life of the choreographer, his   Week 15
                                                                                                         specific dance style, its history
                                                                                                         analyzes the characteristics of dances:
                                                                                                         classical and  Filipino contemporary dance
                                                                                                         dances with a partner (friend pear family     Week 16
                                                                                                         member) to build teamwork through dance
           2  Sem      demonstrates knowledge of dances learned in  executes a dance lecture-                                                          Week 17
                                                                                                         records a video performance together with
                       class                                          demonstration in the
                                                                                                         explanation on the specific dance form
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