Page 553 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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        Grade Level: Grade 11
        Subject: Creative Industries I – Arts and Design Appreciation and Production

          Quarter         Content Standards                       Performance Standards                     Most Essential Learning Competencies        Duration
                                                                              The learner…
                     demonstrates appreciation       explains the historical context and cultural
                     of all the visual art forms,    traditions behind existing examples and pieces,    identifies various visual art and applied art
                     and the processes that enter    local and international;                           forms, explains the historical context, cultural
                     into the production of each;                                                       traditions, processes and production of each     Week 1-
                                                                                                        through documentation and cataloguing (text         2
                                                                                                        and images in digital or print: ex. Glossary of
                                                                                                        art/design vocabulary in a journal or idea

          Quarter   demonstrates appreciation of     explains the meaning and significance of various   distinguishes basic materials, tools and
                    forms, materials, techniques     visual art, media art and applied art forms based   processes (including software and traditional
                                                                                                                                                         Week 3-
                    and meanings of various visual   on functions and uses through presentations        practices) in the production of visual, media
                    and applied art expressions      (gallery style or multi media) with supplementary  and applied arts; and
                                                                                                        articulates the meanings and significance of
                                                                                                                                                         Week 6-
                                                                                                        various expressions of visual and applied arts.
                    demonstrates understanding of  evaluates artistic and design productions based      identifies the different processes and
                                                                                                                                                         Week 1-
                    the historical context, cultural   on form, content, context and functionality by   components of arts and design production.           4
         2          traditions, and the production   critiquing existing samples and by visiting
         Quarter  and marketing aspects of visual  museums/gallery, studio, production houses,          relates the components of arts and design
                    and applied arts.                local/indigenous arts groups through visual        production to different arts and design forms.   Week 5-
                                                     documentation and/or writing reflection papers.
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