Page 549 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 549


                      light                                                            occur emphasizing the properties of a laser as a
                      3. Intensity in interference                                     monochromatic and coherent light source
                      patterns                                                         Relate the geometry of the two-slit experiment set up (slit  Week 9
                      4. Interference in thin films                                    separation, and screen-to-slit distance) and properties of
                      5. Diffraction from single-slits                                 light (wavelength) to the properties of the interference
                                                                                       pattern (width, location, and intensity)
                                                                                       Relate the geometry of the diffraction experiment setup     Week 9
                                                                                       (slit size, and screen- to-slit distance) and properties of
                                                                                       light (wavelength) to the properties of the diffraction
                                                                                       pattern (width, location, and intensity of the fringes)
                      1. Postulates of Special                                         State the postulates of Special Relativity and their        Week 9
                      Relativity                                                       consequences
                      2. Relativity of times and                                       Apply the time dilation, length contraction and relativistic   Week 9
                      lengths                                                          velocity addition to worded problems
                      3. Relativistic velocity addition                                Calculate kinetic energy, rest energy, momentum, and        Week 9
                      4. Relativistic dynamics                                         speed of objects moving with speeds comparable to the
                      5. Relativistic Doppler effect                                   speed of light

                      1. Photoelectric effect                                          Explain the photoelectric effect using the idea of light    Week 9
                      2. Atomic spectra                                                quanta or photons
                      3. Radioactive decay                                             Explain qualitatively the properties of atomic emission and  Week 9
                                                                                       absorption spectra using the concept of energy levels
                                                                                       Calculating radioisotope activity using the concept of half-  Week 9
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