Page 544 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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        Grade Level : Grade 12
        Subject: General Physics 2

         Quarter      Content Standard                 Performance Standard
                                                                                       Most Essential Learning Competencies                        Duration
                      The learners demonstrate         The learners should be able
                      understanding of...              to...
         3            1. Electric charge               Use theoretical and             Describe using a diagram charging by rubbing and            Week 1
         Quarter      2. Insulators and conductors     experimental approaches to      charging by induction
                      3. Coulomb’s Law                 solve multi-concept and rich-   Explain the role of electron transfer in electrostatic      Week 1
                      4. Electric forces and fields    context problems involving      charging by rubbing
                      5. Electric field calculations    electricity and magnetism      Describe experiments to show electrostatic charging by      Week 1
                      6. Charges on conductors                                         induction
                      7. Electric flux and Gauss’s Law                                 Calculate the net electric force on a point charge exerted   Week 1
                      8. Electric charge, dipoles,                                     by a system of point charges
                      force, field, and flux problems                                  Describe an electric field as a region in which an electric   Week 1
                                                                                       charge experiences a force
                                                                                       Calculate the electric field due to a system of point       Week 1
                                                                                       charges using Coulomb’s law and the superposition
                                                                                       Calculate electric flux                                     Week 1
                                                                                       Use Gauss’s law to infer electric field due to uniformly    Week 2
                                                                                       distributed charges on long wires, spheres, and large
                                                                                       Solve problems involving electric charges, dipoles, forces,   Week 2
                                                                                       fields, and flux in contexts such as, but not limited to,
                                                                                       systems of point charges, electrical breakdown of air,
                                                                                       charged pendulums, electrostatic ink-jet printers
                      1. Electric potential energy                                     Relate the electric potential with work, potential energy,   Week 2
                      2. Electric potential                                            and electric field
                      3. Equipotential surfaces                                        Determine the electric potential function at any point due   Week 2
                      4. Electric field as a potential                                 to highly symmetric continuous- charge distributions
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