Page 547 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 547


                      3. Motion of charge particles in                                 Describe the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic     Week 6
                      electric and magnetic fields                                     field in terms of its speed, acceleration, cyclotron radius,
                      4. Magnetic forces on current-                                   cyclotron frequency, and kinetic energy
                      carrying wires                                                   Evaluate the magnetic force on an arbitrary wire segment    Week 6
                                                                                       placed in a uniform magnetic field
                      1. Biot-Savart Law                                               Evaluate the magnetic field vector at a given point in      Week 7
                      2. Ampere’s Law                                                  space due to a moving point charge, an infinitesimal
                                                                                       current element, or a straight current-carrying conductor
                                                                                       Calculate the magnetic field due to one or more straight    Week 7
                                                                                       wire conductors using the superposition principle
                                                                                       Calculate the force per unit length on a current carrying   Week 7
                                                                                       wire due to the magnetic field produced by other current-
                                                                                       carrying wires
                                                                                       Evaluate the magnetic field vector at any point along the   Week 7
                                                                                       axis of a circular current loop
                                                                                       Solve problems involving magnetic fields, forces due to     Week 7
                                                                                       magnetic fields and the motion of charges and current-
                                                                                       carrying wires in contexts such as, but not limited to,
                                                                                       determining the strength of Earth’s magnetic field, mass
                                                                                       spectrometers, and solenoids.
         4            1. Magnetic induction            1. Use theoretical and, when    Identify the factors that affect the magnitude of the       Week 7
         Quarter      2. Faraday’s Law                 feasible, experimental          induced emf and the magnitude and direction of the
                      3. Alternating current, LC       approaches to solve             induced current (Faraday’s Law)
                      circuits, and other applications  multiconcept, rich-context
                      of magnetic induction            problems using concepts from
                                                       electromagnetic waves, optics,  Compare and contrast electrostatic electric field and non-  Week 7
                                                       relativity, and atomic and      electrostatic/induced electric field
                                                       nuclear theory                  Calculate the induced emf in a closed loop due to a time-   Week 7
                                                                                       varying magnetic flux using Faraday’s Law
                                                       2. Apply ideas from atomic and  Describe the direction of the induced electric field,       Week 8
                                                       nuclear physics in contexts     magnetic field, and current on a
                                                       such as, but not limited to,    conducting/nonconducting loop using Lenz’s Law
                                                       radiation shielding and         Compare and contrast alternating current (AC) and direct    Week 8
                                                                                       current (DC)
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