Page 561 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
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                     demonstrates  an  understanding  and  conducts /participates in opportunity- 14.  discusses  creative  processes  and  creativity-  Week 5
                     awareness of applying the processes  seeking  processes  and  creativity- inducing exercises in problem solving through:
                     of  "artistic  creation"  such  as  inducing exercises in problem solving      - unfreezing exercises
                     brainstorming, creative visualization,                                         - tableau exercises
                     imagination                                                                    -  ideation  and  creating solutions in  the  problem-
                                                                                                    solving exercises
                                                                                                    15.  demonstrates  awareness  and  appreciation  of   Week 5
                                                                                                    "opportunity  seeking"  processes  for  product
                                                                                                    development,  and  the  different  "opportunity
                                                                                                    seeking"  processes  in  problem  solving  exercises,
         2 nd Semester   demonstrates  an  understanding  of  makes  a  proposal  and  designs  a  16. explains the ff:                                  Week 5
                     project     conceptualization     by  concept  for  an  arts  program/event;  a. the elements in a project proposal, including the
                     presenting a simple proposal applying  establishes the event’s objectives      establishment of objectives
                     elements  in  planning  the  project                                           b.  the  importance  of  project  planning  for  arts
                     proposal  for  the  performing  arts,                                          organizations
                     visual arts and media art forms                                                c. the different stages of project planning for the
                                                                                                    performing arts, visual arts and media art forms
                                                                                                    d.  the  key  stages/  scheduled  time  frame  of
                                                                                                    proposed project /arts event

                                                                                                    17. records day to day work in progress              Week 5
          2  Sem     demonstrates  discipline  in  handling  exhibits  proficiency  in  basic  business  18. discusses/ explains the following topics:    Weeks 6-
                     finances of self                       communication skills                    a. fiscal responsibility and accountability             7
                                                                                                    b. discipline in handling finances of self: budgeting,
                     demonstrates  an  understanding  of                                            savings
                     the creative work environment as an                                            c. management of funds and accountability for the
                     employee  and/or  as  a  freelance/                                            expenses of the self
                     project-based employee                                                         d. how to develop abilities to maintain positive self-
                                                                                                    e.  discipline  in  handling  finances  of  others:
                                                                                                    responsibility and accountability
                                                                                                    f. how to build and maintain positive self-image and
                                                                                                    relationships and work
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