Page 696 - Most-Essential-Learning-Competencies-Matrix-LATEST-EDITION-FROM-BCD
P. 696


                      farrowing sows and                                          -  raise piglets to weaning based on the minimum requirements         W1-8
                      sucklings                                                      for animal welfare of pigs and GAHP
                                                                                  -  maintain good health condition based on the enterprise             W1-8
                                                                                  -  record data following enterprise procedures                        W1-8
             Q2       The students demonstrate  The students independently        -  prepare piglets for weaning in compliance with the Animal          W1-8
                      understanding of the        perform activities related to      Welfare Act
                      underlying concepts and     raising of weanlings            -  maintain conducive atmosphere and facilities for feeding           W1-8
                      principles of raising                                          based on the Minimum Standards on the Welfare of Pigs
                      weanlings                                                      GAHP
                                                                                  -  maintain good health condition of newly weaned piglets             W1-8
                                                                                     following enterprise procedures
                                                                                  -  record data on production performance of weanlings                 W1-8
                                                                                     according to enterprise procedures
             Q3       The students demonstrate  The learners independently        -  prepare animals for finishing based on the Minimum                 W1-2
                      an understanding of the     produce finishers based on         Standards on the Welfare of Pigs and Code of Good Animal
                      underlying concepts and     industry standards                 Husbandry Practices (GAHP
                      principles in producing                                     -  maintain conducive atmosphere and facilities based on the          W2-3
                      finishers                                                      Minimum Standard on the Welfare of Pigs and GAHP
                                                                                  -  feed Finishers based on farm protocols and physiological           W3-5
                                                                                     growth and veterinarian instruction
                                                                                  -  maintain herd health care and medication program following         W5-6
                                                                                     Animal Welfare Act and GAHP
                                                                                  -  prepare animals for marketing following marketing                  W6-7
                                                                                     requirements and procedures and Animal Welfare Act
                                                                                  -  record Data on the production parameters for finishers              W8
                                                                                     following enterprise protocol
             Q4       The students demonstrate  The students efficiently          -  maintain relative humidity following production requirements        W1
                      an understanding of the     maintain healthy animal         -  control temperature following production requirements              W1-2
                      underlying concepts and     environment based on            -  sustain air quality according to DENR standards                    W2-3
                      principles in maintaining   standard procedure              -  sustain water quality according to establish protocol              W3-4
                                                                                  -  maintain ventilation according to the animal requirements           W4
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