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BIG WE     DN   ESDA    Y -   BIG   DRE     AMS
                                     BIG WEDNESDAY - BIG DREAMS
       “                     CSM Welcomes the California Kid! Ken Kebow

            On September 4th, the California Surf Museum hosted the official launch of Joey Buran’s new memoir,
       Beyond the Dream, to a packed house.
            Executive Director Jim Kempton introduced this local legend to an attentive audience.  And Joey, in top form,
       enthusiastically took attendees through his rise as an international surf star to his victory in the Pipeline Masters
       and talked about the challenging times after that moment and, ultimately, his life-changing work in the ministry.

         Joey and Jennifer Buran                                                                    Accompanied by
            From “da sandcrab” to “The    Signing books after                                  numerous photos and
                                         the event, Joey spent
       California Kid” to the winner of                                                        video footage, Joey
       the 1984 Pipeline Master to       time personally talking                               explained how after
       Pastor Joey, the journey of       with each attendee and                                accomplishing his loftiest
       Carlsbad surf phenomenon Joey     personalizing books                                   dream of winning the
       Buran has been an inspirational    with the powerful                                    Pipeline Masters, his life
       and fascinating journey.  His wife    message                                           took on a completely new
       Jennifer has been by his side for        “Be Inspired!”                                 and fulfilling meaning as
       over 30 years.                                                                          he ventured
         The book is available at the museum store for $20                                     Beyond the Dream.
                                Waikiki Dreams: Sharing the Hawaiian Culture

           On July 24 author Dr. Patrick Moser, a professor at   and other customs that were readily adopted into what
      Drury University in Missouri,appeared at CSM to talk      was then a growing beach lifestyle.
      about his latest book,Waikiki Dreams: How California           Did this original display of admiration and appreci-
      Appropriated Beach Culture, which traces California       ation for some of the more colorful traditions of Hawaii
                                     beach culture from 1920    backfire, or was it
                                     through WWII.              possible inadvertent
                                          In compiling research   cultural appropriation?
                                     for the book, Dr.Moser        Highly researched
                                     was able to access        and provocative, the
                                     CSM’s files on Tom        book also provided a
                                     Blake, John “Doc” Ball,   great deal of feedback
                                     Lorrin “Whitey” Harrison,   and vocal audience
                                     Mary Ann Hawkins and      participation.
                                          Dr. Moser’s premise
                                     is that early CA surfers     Waikiki Dreams is
                                     who had traveled to           available at the
                                     Hawaii returned with         museum store for
                                     island music, clothing,            $27.95
                                     dance, surfing, canoeing
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