Page 7 - V38 #3
P. 7

                                                16th  Annual  GALA
                                                   th  Annual  GAL

        The bidding was lively for the replica of LJ’s Hawaiian
        T he bid ding w as liv el y f or the r eplica of  LJ’ s Haw aiian
        Pro Designs board, shaped by Charles Kirkley.
        Pr o Designs boar  d, sha ped by Char  les Kir kley .

           (above)...Greg MacGillivray, the
      undisputed maestro of IMAX, may have                                            (above)...Mary Lou Drummy has been
      built more of surfing’s cultural touchstones                              a longtime advocate for women’s surfing
      than any other filmmaker of the genre.                                    and has mentored dozens of competitive
           His half-dozen films documenting the             2024                surfers throughout her
      waveriding experience not only set the       Silver Surfer Honorees       extraordinary career.
      social tone for much of what was to come,     (from L)...  Mickey, LJ,         A natural leader and organizer, a golden
      but also broke barriers in sound and camera   Greg, and Mary Lou.         California-style model and
      work and technique as well.                                               Hollywood stunt double, she was also the
                                                                                first woman to star in a feature surf film,
                                  Mickey Munoz                                  Follow Me (1969).
                               a cardinal                                            Mary Lou accepted her award as a
                               member of the                                    tribute to five decades of commitment and
                               first five Waimea                                give-back to the surf community she loves.
                               crew, has lived
                               the dream life of
                               a waterman for
                               most of his 87
                                    A big-wave
                               challenger and
                               master shaper,
                               Mickey’s pos-
                               tive attitude and
                               relentless energy
                               inspires everyone                                  (above)...Oceanside native John (LJ)
            (above)...A man who   in his presence.                             Richards, seated at his table with wife
       knows how to make             A person who                              Kim, has been one of San Diego’s most
       an entrance, Mickey     leads by                                        enduring and respected surf role models.
       Munoz is carried to the   example, he      Mickey received his Silver        After he won the National Surfing
       stage by Richard Dietz    continues to give   Surfer from CSM’s Creative   Championship in 1963 his consummate
       (L) and shaper Josh     back by            Director, Tara Lee Torburn.  skill and grace offered him the opportunity
       Martin, who crafted a   working with a                                  to travel and compete all over the world.
       replica of Mickey’s 1971   number of paraplegic friends and hosting the        Later, LJ embarked on a decades-long
       balsa twin-fin for the live   Mongoose Cup to raise funds for           career as a fireman, putting the safety of
       auction.                distressed surf craftsmen’s families.           others ahead of his own
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