Page 1 - CSM NL V37#2 Summer'23
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Exhibit Opens to Rave Reviews...
An Ocean of Information on Display!
CSM President Jim Kempton welcomed an enthu-
siastic crowd at the Grand Opening on May 15. Both
the Exhibit Committee and Education Committee
collaborated for several months on the display, chaired
by Kempton and superbly presented by Creative
Director Kimberly Noon. Honored guests present
at the afternoon event included a number of City of
Oceanside and San Diego County officials. A special
Educators’ Day opening was also held on May 2,
where dozens of teachers were able to get a preview.
There’s lots to explore in CSM’s new exhibit,
layers of beautifully illustrated key points of waves, A preview opening sponsored by the Education
surf breaks, and the conditions that set the stage for a Committee on May 2 filled the museum with educators
and their families and drew enthusiastic compliments.
good surf session. The multi-media display puts forth
a wealth of engaging data, from the natural elements experience and provide the kinetic energy that surfing
involved to the technology of surfboard design and embodies. While we know that surfing is a sport that
engineering. involves riding on the waves of the ocean, it also
Widely acclaimed illustrator Phil Roberts created a involves various aspects of science, technology,
colorful series of charts, diagrams, and posters that engineering, art and math. The presentation is
draw the visitor into the magical realm of the surfer. guaranteed to leave you dazzled by the relationship
Video monitors spaced throughout expand the between science and surfing!.....(continued on page 3)
Exhibit artist Phil Roberts (below L) spent some
time with bodysurfer Eric Joyce, co-editor of Swell
Lines Magazine, and his daughter Sagan. Adding to
a long and successful career that dates back to winning
the cover
slot for a
1982 edition
of Surfer
tions are
the primary (Above)..San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond
focus of the {L} was given an expert lesson on the configuration of
Science the ocean floor offshore of La Jolla by
of Surfing Mary Coakley Munk, founding member of the
exhibit. Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans.