Page 5 - CSM NL V37#2 Summer'23
P. 5

Dropping         In
                                                    Dropping In

                                                        Bill Hamilton, one of surfing’s most highly regarded  stylists,
                                                   paid a surprise visit in mid-July, along with his friend, Mark Simon.
                                                        Bill spent an hour going through the exhibit floor and holding
                                                   staff spellbound with first-person stories.  He is shown here adding
                                                   some pertinent details to his capture of the 14-foot tiger shark that
                                                   attacked Bethany Hamilton.
                                                       Bill is currently putting the finishing touches on a book and has
                                                   promised to do a presentation at CSM when it comes out.
                                                        After admiring several boards on display in our
                                                   Timeline, he left us with this piece of pure Hamilton wisdom: “If a
                                                   surfboard does not float or paddle you well, and it is not loose nor
                                                   fast, then you are probably riding the wrong surfboard.  Think about
                                                   that.  It took me many, many years to truly understand that.”

                                                                    (Below)....Six-foot, five-inch Michael Robinson,
                                                               visiting with his family from Phoenix, drew admiring
                                                               stares when he posed with the 155-lb solid redwood
                                                               Eddie McBride board.
                                                                    He looks like he could hoist McBride’s classic board
                                                               onto his shoulder and take to the surf.
                                                               “Honestly, I don’t think so…Those guys back then were
                                                               remarkably strong.”

           (Above)...Carl Lackey points to his great-aunt,
      Irma Harbottle Frias (at Left) on the wall of the
      Timeline section.
           “I shared a few photos with CSM several years ago,
      but I didn’t expect to see her on display today, and it
      brought tears to my eyes,” said Carl.
          Irma’s mother and Duke Kahanamoku’s mother Julia
      were sisters, and Carl has a collection of family photos
      he’s going through in the hopes of finding additional
      material to share with CSM.
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