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NUR 567 (Administration in Nursing)

Critical analysis of philosophy and objectives of both nursing in health care
agencies and nursing education institutions of higher learning. Alternative
approaches for delivering nursing care and nursing education, leadership styles
facilitating goal attainment, development of staff and use of material resources are

NUR 568 (Seminar in Clinical Specialization)

Focuses on increasing organizational behavior to function effectively as clinical
nurse specialists. Particular attention is given to improving the delivery of nursing
care to consumers through consultation, teaching, research and clinical practice in
medical-surgical, maternal and child, psychiatric and mental health or/and
community health nursing.

NUR 569 (Practicum in Teaching)

The course provides a platform for observation, practice, feedback, discussion, and
reflection that will help you become a good and effective teacher generally and
specifically in scope of nursing education. More broadly, the skills from good
teaching (being an effective, confident speaker, a careful listener, an inspiring
mentor, a good communicator and team player) are useful skills that apply to other
aspects of your professional and personal life.

NUR 570 (Practicum in Administration)

Guided experience in planning, organizing and managing a division of nursing
service in the student’s clinical specialty. Includes opportunities to observe and
participate in the supervisory role, planning a supervisory preprogram, designing
strategies for effective change and for evaluating supervisor outcomes.

NUR 571 (Practicum for Clinical Specialization)

Supervised experience is provided by each clinical specialty which will prepare the
graduate students to function in the role of clinical specialist. Placement may be in
community settings, chronic and long-term care facilities as well as intensive care.
Choice of setting and population to be the student’s option.

NUR 572 (Special Problems in Teaching)

The major objectives of this independent study experiences are to examine
problems and responsibilities associated with the teaching role in nursing and to
develop further competencies in the area of teaching.
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