Page 21 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
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and Global pandemic to Wildfires and  could barely calculate the destruction  stamina  to keep fighting.  The  tough
        volcano  eruption  to Racial  war and  and  chaos and  misery  brought  by  times taught us the significance of
        Communal  Riots to Alien Invasion  this year. Like a boxer who struggles  support in our lives. Physical, mental
        rumors and Parallel Universe’s Theory  to navigate  his  corner after  being  and especially emotional support
 Different Hues, Equal RIGHTS  to consecutive typhoons that wiped  pummeled  by plenty  of strong  blows,  makes you see things differently, and
        out millions of lives and properties to  the impact of these global challenges  even though you feel like you are going
        Economic  failure  and  Stock  market  in succession has left all of us gasping  to slip, it helps you keep your feet firmly
        crash to the death of recognized  and groggy.                            on the ground. Support  can come from
        personalities like Lloyd “Cafe” Cadena,                                  anybody, whether it's family, friends,
        Emman Nimedez, Chadwick Boseman,            This year has left us scars that’ll  relatives or the love of your life. Above
        Kobe and daughter Gigi Bryant, the  forever mark our history. Despite all  all, it taught us the value of building
        waves of social changes swelling  these storms we’ve weathered, we are  resiliency. It taught us how to toughen
        around the globe still go on. It has only  still here standing, strong and firm. Like  up after every hard blow. Admit it or not,
        been less than a year but it already feels  boxing, it also taught us life skills and  this year shattered us but it awakened
        like centuries. The crisis has taken its toll  the value  of recuperating  after  your  something within us because after all,
        on humanity. It battered our hearts and  opponent knocks you out on the ground.  as cliche as it may seem, no pain no
        scarred our minds. The terrifying part is,  We have to remember that every now  gain. Two thousand twenty is just a year,
        we never know if the succeeding years  and then it's all right to take a punch.  you are a fighter. Get into that ring and
        will follow and blow parts of the world  Although  it  sounds  unpleasant,  being  knock  all the successive  years  down,
        hither and thither mercilessly until we  hit actually helps a boxer develop the  Champ!
        The “pAnDeMiC” in Education

         By: Ken Andre VilLafuerte and Keana Marie Allesandra Tegio

              he current situation of our world today, forced us to  in Public Places Act of 2017, which provides free network
              make necessary adjustments and to adapt to the  access in public institutions and schools. The Department of
        T“new normal” in order to continue on with our lives.  Education has also prepared the Learning
        It is the shifting point that determines humanity’s future and  Continuity Plan (LCP) which is the basis of
        everyone faces unprecedented challenges. The question that  preparations for the school year in response
        should be asked is whether we will allow these challenges to  to the pandemic. According to DepED, the
        set out a better future or the worse for all of us. We cannot  LCP will provide students with a different
        expect a better future if we stand idly by. One of the major  array of options on what learning approach
        changes that we encountered is the temporary shift of face-  they are capable of doing. Despite the
        to-face classes to online and modular learning. Arguably,  options presented, many private
        these changes may be considered effective or ineffective  groups  and coalitions  still urged
        depending on the resources each student has and the  the government to address
        work done by those that are tasked to lead the pioneering  the needs inclusively for those
        students.                                             disadvantaged    sectors
                                                              and the poor as they are
                Educational institutions embraced the set-up with  also affected.
        regard to the pandemic. Schools had to adjust to cater to
        the needs of both learners and instructors. This new normal     All in all, we also recognize
        of learning was considered not as effective as the former.  the efforts and works of our
        Teachers are forced to teach remotely, while students try  education sector, however,
        to keep up with lessons in the midst of anxiety due to the  there is so much work to be
        spreading disease. Nobody can deny that remote learning  done.  It cannot be denied that we
        requires costly resources and stable internet connectivity. In  are still dealing with the COVID-19
        our country, many are not privileged enough to have these  pandemic for quite some
        resources given the current situation.                time. This is a challenge for
                                                              those who are in a position
                We must create a proactive approach in responding  to adapt and innovate
        to the demands of people shifting to this kind of education.  new ways and methods to
        These all funnel down to two major concerns, internet  attain quality  education
        connection and the educational materials provided. Now that  for all in these trying times.
        it is in demand for many, it is time to implement and enforce
        the RA 10929, or also known as the Free Internet Access

                                                        First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021 | The Josenian Premier             19
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