Page 16 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 16

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often  aftermath has done damage to everyone and now
        look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door  we have to look at the brighter side of it, to move on.
        that we do not see the one which has opened for us,”  As we sit and ponder on whether or not to choose
        Alexander Graham Bell said.                            and see the other possibilities set for us, we better
                                                               ask ourselves: will anything change if all we do is to
               I have been thinking about this quote for quite  sit and absorb everything that is happening around
        some time. The entire world is facing a situation  us? Perhaps, the answer to that question can only
        where people are losing their jobs and businesses  be found by us, and to discover it, we have to try
        are in bankruptcy. We are all stuck in this cycle of  the doors that are in front of us because the answer
        life, the new normal. When the pandemic began,  might be there behind one of them.
        mostly everything was closed, leaving everyone
        with no opportunities, or so we thought. Yet what if           Opening up to new possibilities and
        you could change your perspective? What if you will  considering  to  remake  our  scheme  of  beliefs  is
        stop thinking of the negative things and start looking  not an easy task. It requires an individual to let
        beyond life? This one could be another opportunity  go of something that he or she held onto for so
        to move forward.                                       many years. However, given the situation we have
                                                               now, the only choice would be to adapt to the new
               With the new normal, there have been several  normal. For some, coping up with the changes that
        emerging opportunities to grow and to learn. It is  have occurred is very tough and could perhaps
        always a challenge to try something new and see  give them a negative outlook in life. The pandemic
        what works and what does not. During desperate  has indeed caught us off guard. The plans we made
        times, people came up with fresh ideas that became  were compromised in an instant, and the path we
        an  efficient source of  income. Utilization of  social  were planning to take was not passable. It is as
        media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,  if we have seized power to control our lives and
        and others aided them to grow what they have  the things that lie ahead of us became dim. Some
        already started. Selling items online, making videos  became disoriented and afraid to take a step due to
        for YouTube, and creating blog sites for businesses  this lack of foresight of what is uncertain.
        were done to cope up with life. All of these can be
        one of the doors that will help them to gain income            It is a normal thing to pause or to be cautious
        and at the same time to be able to spend more time  whenever you do not know where you are going to
        with their family. This situation can also be a time  but delaying it for too long could be detrimental. At
        for healing and solitude. To the clerks who spend a  some point in life, things could go out of your control,
        lot of hours inside the office, this can be a chance  and there you will realize that you were never the
        for them to be somewhere different and work  driver of this ride called life. In this journey, you will be
        comfortably.                                           taking rides which you think could take you to where
                                                               you want to carry along with you the uncertainty of
               There are a lot of opportunities for everybody  your choice yet leaping faith. If you ponder upon
        if they only focus on moving forward and be  it, you will sooner realize that man is optimistic by
        optimistic because the only thing that is stopping us  nature, meant to move forward regardless of what
        from looking ahead is ourselves. It is not all about  is ahead of us. We have this nature to hope, which
        what will happen next, but it is all about how we  is a positive virtue, that things will be better.
        will react to the successive events. We need to take
        control of our lives and make sure that we do not get          Another remarkable reality about man is that
        stuck in this situation. It is important to remember  he can turn obstacles and misfortunes into growth
        that life does not stop when everything is temporarily  and mistakes into wisdom. Until the only thing left
        not in motion. It has happened and is irreversible. Its  for man to do is to leap of faith into the future.

    14 The Josenian Premier  |  First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021
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