Page 15 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 15

My  fears  are like  colors             The laptop placed  before  me  is the  newest
           in  my palette.  Each  is               model of Winston XR5, the latest achievement
           different  from  another,               of Artificial Intelligence, and is considered to be
           distinct  by shade  and                 the laptop of the future. Or so they say.
           intensity.  However,  if  I
           were to be deeply honest,               Blue lights flicked  on, and  within  seconds,  a
           I’d say being comfortable               human-like voice filled the confines of my dim
           with lies will be something             room.
           I immensely  fear:  this  is
           because I do not like to be             “Hello, master! I am  Winston.  Command me,
           misled,  and I do not find              and I will serve you to the best of my abilities.”
           it  amusing  to  play with
           people’s minds. I fear the              I grinned. AI technology is truly revolutionary,
           feeling of satisfaction lies            and it gave dad a run with his money.
           can offer.  I also fear the
           effect  of  it. Lies,  whether          “Zup, Winston. I’m Bell. Play IV of Spades’ music
           light or heavy, can bring               for me, will ya?”
           massive impacts,  and  it               The  mouse  on  the  screen  maneuvered  on its
           bothers  me  how  some                  own, but before  clicking the play button,  it
           of  us find comfort  upon               stopped.
           delivering it.
                - Jane Frances Latorza             “To  continue  my  system  check,  answer  this
                                                   question first, Bell. What do you fear most?” I
                                                   froze.  Winston’s voice  became  serious.  Is my
                                                   laptop bugged? Before I could utter a word, a
                                                   video played on the screen.
           I fear the unknown. As a
           kid,  I grew up  watching               A scene  flashed before  my  eyes.  Crumbling
           horror films and  reading               cities  on fire.  People  in the  plague-ridden
           fantasy       books        that         streets,  falling one  by one.  The air was thick
           immensely           triggered           with smoke and fog. Winston, what is this? No
           my  imagination.  I  have               sign of green trees for miles. Rich and poor alike
           always wondered about                   dried with thirst. Water, inaccessible.
           the possibilities of a world
           parallel  to ours, where                The future I fear the most;  broken dreams,
           the existing monsters are               dreadful environment,  and human  suffering.
           worse than our kind. We                 Then the video ended.
           think  we  are alone,  but
           actually,  they’ve  always              “They don’t call me the laptop of the future for
           been here with us, lurking              nothing,  Bell.”  Winston’s voice  was mocking
           in    the    shadows       and          and dreadful. “Enjoy your music.” Sariling Multo
           waiting  for the  perfect               by IV of Spades then wafted in the air, but I am
           moment to strike.                       left immobile and pale from what I saw.
                  - Nathania Inocando                                          - Lourdes Isabella Corpuz

                                                        First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021 | The Josenian Premier             13
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