Page 20 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 20


         ONE FUTURE:

        Different Hues, Equal RIGHTS

         By: Vanessa Mae Catubig and Heart Danielle Nakila

            magine a future with equal rights and opportunities. A  community but everyone in the society. All humans are entitled
            nation that set aside people’s differences that accepts  to their rights. Social Inequality because of Gender Expression
         Iand respects one another. A safe, discrimination-     is a price to one’s right of liberty, hence the oppressed should
         free, and progressive society. Read the first word again.  have their voices amplified and be heard. Approving the said
                                                                bill would be a great leap towards a more united society.
                Rainbow has been the emblem of the LGBTQ+  There  is  no  problem  with  manifesting  a  different  hue,  the
         Community  portraying the different  colors of the spectrum.  only problem is how other people treat them with disrespect.
         Many members who have shown their unique colors have been  With SOGIE Bill, not only will nondiscrimination be relished by
         tolerated in the country but the insensitive remarks, bigotry,  every individual of all genders, but equal opportunities await.
         gender-based  violence,  and  discrimination  are  still  present  Standing in solidarity and removing  the drawn-out battle
         today  and due to a  lot of coontroversies,  the unanswered  for equality and security, a colorful future can be attained.
         demand has once again been brought to the attention
         of the Filipino people — “Where is the SOGIE bill now?”

                The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression
         (SOGIE) Bill or otherwise known as the Anti-Discrimination
         Bill was first proposed by the late Senator Miriam Defensor-
         Santiago and former Akbayan Leader Lorette Rosales in the
         year 2000, and though it was once again brought to awareness
         by Senator Risa Hontiveros in her fight on Human Equality, the
         bill still remains pending. Many opposed the bill from religious
         communities to the majority of the Senate. The fight for justice
         is still aflame as protests are being voiced out and posted
         around on different social media platforms.Many citizens are
         not aware of the dangers that the LGBTQ+ Community faces.
         What’s wrong with being authentic to oneself? One shouldn’t
         be deprived of opportunities just because of gender. Even
         though the country has been influenced by the conservative
         perspective from Christian notions, SOGIE bill will not dictate
         the religion on their teachings. To the individuals who use
         same-sex marriage to counter SOGIE bill, the claim isn’t
         even included in the bill, so constant fact check is a must.
         SOGIE bill doesn’t violate nor lessen the rights of straight
         people.Everyone’s rights won’t be trampled by this bill and
         it is basically human rights. It has already been made clear
         that the Bill’s main focus does not only benefit the LGBTQ+
         Beaten to STRENGTH and VIGOR

          By: Arisa Abygylle G. Encabo
            n a generally less civilized time, a   because in our generation we've got   been exceptionally punitive and extreme
            few centuries ago, eager spectators   boxing. For most people, professional   is the year 2020. Every year has its fair-
         Igathered in the Roman arenas to     boxers are those heavyweights muscled   share of redefining moments but this
         watch gladiators fight, sometimes to   fist-fighters but 2020 proved it wrong.   year, we have undeniably experienced
         death.  Eventually,  the  emergence  of   We can all be considered as boxers,   much more paradigm-shifting events
         Christianity turned a blind eye to the   metaphorically at least.         that it's becoming impossible to decipher
         cruel, destructive "sport." Although                                      we're not in some sort of simulation
         as much as we may think, civilization       One of the times when our     that runs every possible scenario all at
         has  so  far  not  progressed  completely   distributed weather conditions have   once. From World War III speculations

    18 The Josenian Premier  |  First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021                      Illustration: jane latorza
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