Page 19 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 19
Philippines: Stay Connected,
Current State of a
Developing Country Not Addicted
By Angelie Myrrh Parojinog
By: Carlos Benedict C. Rizaga
everal issues have been put into light during the or the past decade, technology has been modernized and
onslaught of COVID-19. The Philippines which improved to be able to aid the lives of the people. It certainly did
Sremains an undeveloped nation was categorized as Fbut it paved the way for the accretion of social platforms thus
“developing” since the 1950's-- towards the end of World leading to a dreadful increase of time spent by most teenagers online. It
War 2. As various nations throughout the world stood is not a shocker that more people, especially young ones are becoming
their ground from weak to powerful and impoverished to more connected. With the current advances and developments in the
wealthy, the Philippines regardless of its broadly known accessibility of the internet, social media has become part of the daily
tourism and abundance of natural resources remained routine for most. The more teens get hooked on social media, the more
destitute. On economic data gathered by Global Finance harmful it can be for them.
Magazine, the Philippines positions as the 76th poorest
country and 113th least corrupt country in the world. With Teenagers are susceptible to more as they proliferate their use
its 2020 P4.1 Trillion national budget, the Philippines still of social media, and the content they are exposed might not be always
has a long way to reach developed status.
beneficial. The online world can be likely compared to a big arena full
of people with different characteristics. Social media has now been
What does a developing country resemble? frequently used for cyber label and bullying. Take for example, Twitter,
Developing countries are nations with low living standards, a platform where netizens could express their thoughts and opinions
underdeveloped industrial base, and low Human and share it for others to view. Recent years, it has been manipulated
Development Index. For the Philippines, it means poor to attack and fight somebody because it gives the user's satisfaction
health care services, underfinanced sectors, corruption, and validation. A lot of users think that their statements are valid just
poverty, privilege pass, improper designation of assets, because it gained likes and. Furthermore, the online platform could
under appreciation for science and research, exploitation expose young people to contents that might not be suitable for them.
and a struggling government in terms of governance and For instance, Youtube is a podium where creators make content for
competence. The Philippines having a low-income GDP others to see. In 2018, Logan Paul, a famous influencer, released a video
of USD376.80 Billion in 2019 only holds 0.31 percent of in which he flaunted a blurred corpse of a person who committed
the world economy. Compared to developed countries the suicide in Aokigahara Forest in Japan and accumulated over six million
nation lacks to make ends meet for its people and with views before being taken down. After the kickback Logan received, his
debt the country is growing as the pandemic exacerbates, supporters came into his defense saying that it was all a “mistake”. This
every Filipino owes about P90,000 to the government.
goes to show that not only are young teens exposed to inapt content
but also, they make it seem that actions like these should be justified.
Regardless, the Philippines is one of the most
remarkably fast-growing economies in the East Asia There should be a way for teenagers to lessen their time on
Pacific Region and with its blasting nature, it has enormous social media. One way is controlled usage of the internet. Try to go
potential for further growth. Through its expanding to a certain time without checking social media, whether it’s for a
urbanization and a huge and youthful populace, the few hours or the entire week. Second is to delete unnecessary apps or
Philippines’ economic dynamism is established in strong disable notifications from any social platform. Most people check in
consumer demand upheld by a vibrant labor market and to social media mindlessly, so putting up a small barrier in the way
robust remittances. In recent years, the Philippine economy of turning off notifications could be a great help. The third is setting
has made strides in conveying inclusive development, limitations and sticking to them. Most smartphones and tablets have
confirmed by a decline in poverty rates.The continuous a stopwatch and alarm clock, so use that to set a limit for your time
increasing trend in real wages, which is expected to have a spent on social media and stick to it. Lastly, allocate time to hobbies
positive effect on household incomes—particularly those or activities. A hobby or new activity could help fetter your desire to
from the lower class—will be hampered by the impact check in to social media. Free time should be used to learn a new skill,
of the COVID-19, with negative outcomes additionally to meditate, to engage in activities that are not only beneficial for one’s
for poverty reduction in the Philippines. Nevertheless, physical health but for their sanity also.
economic growth is relied upon to recuperate gradually in
2021-2022 assuming the containment of the virus locally Though social media has transfigured into an immanent part
and internationally. But for now the question remains. of the daily lives of teens, the abusive and lavish use of it can be hostile
Will the Philippines ever get out of this time warp? Will it in today’s youth, so there should be a way to decrease and moderate the
move up or down? Or just stay in this same exact position usage of online platforms and taking advantage of it for social good.
in the future?
Illustration: fritz patino First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021 | The Josenian Premier 17