Page 14 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 14
To believe with fear of the unknown is on par
with the human race. Fear of time will produce
a feeling of danger or impending doom,
looking at the moment when everything will
be different. Humans have always been afraid
of the unknown and probably won’t change
if they just let it control them. There lies the
stigma of the unknown for the apparent
reasons what the future holds, and we do not
see these results. We generally want to be
able to predict the results. That is why this act
of coming may be so horrific; we do not know
what to consider when we take it. If the part of
the world lives in isolation of fear to understand
the uncertain possibilities, the individuals and
the media cannot move forward and still stay in Illustration: mark gatal
the shadows of each other. & juliana abad
- Francesca Ella Reboquio
Exposed to a successful
game of battles after
As the question about fear is asked, it is a enduring challenging
subordinating what is and why is a long receipt life affairs, I was often
of my yearly Christmas hauls could never equate described as a lazy whale
to the list of phobias I have accumulated over in a bathtub—relaxed,
the years. With the fear of arachnids being the composed, and unshaken.
most prevalent and the anxiety, I feel when My space is all a fantasy,
the lights are all out whenever I’m alone as and I’m not terrified
the least evident, I have come to uncover my of anything except for
biggest fear. waking up in my world of
The fear of losing a future I have always illusion. I fear for a grown
dreamed of. white hair, a wrinkled
It is not because I hate becoming someone I forehead, a weakling
didn’t envision my future self to be, but it is in body, a collapsed memory,
the mere thought of my wasted efforts. Building and the kiss of death. We
foundations for a future I want, like amino could never turn a blind
acids to proteins, makes my insides churn to eye to truths, and it drives
think of how easy it can be to throw out years a deep bitterness in my
of dedication just for it to crumble in the end.
throat. All of this is not a
notional concept, a pure
It will never be an easy journey as I battle idea, or a symptom of
fragments of myself where fear resides, yet fiction. That is why, after
it will surely be an experience where I could all, I fear this reality. I fear
witness the inevitable be possible.
for a killed fantasy.
- Kassandra Gabrielle Nazareno - Megxin Kathleen Ferrater
12 The Josenian Premier | First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021