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                CESAFI                   21 ‘                              By: Ryan Lorenzo C. Palugod

          s     ports is  a  way  for people  to put  their talents  and   I  t seems like 2020 is getting worse by the day. Not
                     By: Francis Ian C. Albaracin II

                skills to test and even into purpose. Bringing both
                                                                      only are we in the middle of a pandemic but  the
                fellow athletes and sports enthusiasts together, for a
                                                                      Sports may seem so unimportant  right now  as
                chance to enjoy these various activities. One           major   Philippines  has recently been hit by typhoons.
          event is the Cebu School Athletic Foundation Inc. (CESAFI),   hundreds of thousands of families have been affected by
          where many such sporting events are held including,   these storms but what they might provide for the people
          but  not limited to;  basketball, football,  tennis,  chess,  etc.   that need it, is a lift of spirit, even for a measly amount.
          However, in certain situations, events need to be postponed
          for  the good  of many, especially in times of  pandemic.  The  Philippine Basketball  Association  (PBA) was set to
                                                                start their 45th season back on March 1st, however, due
          Last May 1, 2020,  CESAFI Commissioner  Felix  “Boy”   to the COVID-19 pandemic, the start of the 2020 season
          Tiukinhoy announced  via video  conference  alongside   has been  delayed until  March 8th and  was suspended
          other sports scribes that  the  21st season of the  multi-  indefinitely  just  three  days  later.  The  season  would
          sporting event is postponed due to the Covid-19  threat.  return in a “bubble setup” at the Clark Freeport Zone in
          The decision was  made in  part  for the safety  of the   Pampanga, thus resuming the Philippine Cup featuring a
          players,  officials,  and  the  fans.  Seeing  as  the  majority  of   virtual  crowd instead of a  physical audience on October
          the games  will be held  in an enclosed  gymnasium, the   11th. The PBA is now in the middle of the playoffs wherein
          presence  of  many people will  make  physical and social   eight teams  compete  for  the prestigious  Philippine  Cup.
          distancing  difficult.  Recently,  the  Commissioner  and  the   The  2nd seeded Phoenix Fuel  Masters  eked out a one-
          league  answered an  interview, saying that  continuation   point victory over the 7th seed, Magnolia Hotshots with
          of  the sporting event is  possible next  year, 2021.  the final score of 89-88, allowing them to advance to the
                                                                semifinals.  Their  newly  appointed  head  coach,  Topex
          On  October 23,  2020,  it  was revealed that  Commissioner   Robinson took to the press and dedicated their dramatic
          Tiukinhoy said that  he and  the league  are quite hopeful,   victory  to  the victims  of  super  typhoon  Ulysses  which
          and are considering  resuming the event in August 2021   caused  the destruction  of  hundreds  of  thousands  of
          without the need for bubble isolation, saying that it is risky   property and  households  in the northern regions of the
          and expensive. He also mentioned that the fans will have   Philippines.    “We  just  want  to  be  resilient.  You’re  gonna
          to be patient, as they want them to be present at the event   go through tough times, just don’t quit, persevere. I hope
          proper. Currently, the CESAFI is  composed  of  defending   we inspired a lot of people tonight with the way that we
          men’s basketball  champion Southwestern  University, the   played and communicated,” said Robinson. “Hopefully, the
          junior’s basketball champion Sacred Heart Ateneo de Cebu,   Philippines rises from this. I know there are going to be
          the volleyball women’s champion USJR Lady Jaguars, SWU   a lot of challenges ahead, but let’s just hang on together.”
          men’s champion, the junior men’s champion University of
          Cebu, and the women’s champion University  of  Southern   Phoenix’s win is more than an inspiration to be resilient
          Philippines  Foundation. Also included are the Football   and to not give up, it is also a reminder of how important
          champions University of San Carlos, the junior’s champ Don   being  a  team  is.  We  are  all  on  the  same  team  called
          Bosco Technical College and the Futsal champions Ateneo. All   the Philippines,  and  we must  all  do our part  to take
          of the teams still in the games are excited to finally play again.  genuine climate action as one united team, all  for  one.

                                         photo via SunStar.                                      photo via SunStar.

                                                        First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021 | The Josenian Premier             7
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