Page 12 - The Josenian Premier Volume 5 Issue 1
P. 12
hen you think of the future, what do you see?
Do you envision Science and Technology
Wtaking over a society that is free from
prejudice and discrimination, a state of progress,
or a world that just perfectly coexists with nature
and all living things? All of these questions, complex
and manifold explanations and possibilities are still
foreign in the views of ordinary people. And it made
us think, what future do we have?
Stephen Hawking was a distinguished
English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author
who is recognized as one of the most prominent
scientists up to this day. He expedited our curiosity
about the universe that inspired us to dive deeper into
the knowledge about the wonders of space. Hawking,
who died at the age of 76, left behind a profound
legacy and dreadful prognostications about the
future of humanity.
A few of his most formidable predictions
include the arrogation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
which he stated in a Q&A with WIRED last 2017. He
said, “I fear that AI may replace humans altogether.
If people design computer viruses, someone will
design AI that replicates itself. This will be a new form
of life that will outperform humans.“ As technology
percolates into our lifestyle, we also fear the prospect is to survive for another 1,000 years.“
of preemption of robots.
Looking into the aspect of society and human
With the massive change in climate patterns, rights, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an American
the threat of global warming, and the alarming Christian minister and social activist who led the civil
increase of global population, he suggests calling rights movement in the United States from the mid-
for space colonization as spreading may be the only 1950s until his assassination in 1968. King advocated
thing that can save humans from themselves. for equality, civil rights through nonviolence, and
civil disobedience. He stated in his I Have a Dream
“My preference would be to pursue rigorously speech that “There will be neither rest nor tranquility
a space-exploration program, to eventually colonize in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship
the suitable planets for human habitation. I believe rights.“ He added, “I have a dream that one day this
we have reached the point of no return. Our Earth is nation will rise and live out the true meaning of its
becoming too small for us, the global population is creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all
increasing at an alarming rate, and we are in danger men are created equal.“
of self-destructing.“ Hawking said in the WIRED
interview about what scientific research should In his speech, he concluded and made a
persevere most directly. “Whether this would be the remarkable statement. “And when this happens, and
result of damage to the environment or a nuclear when we allow freedom ring when we let it ring from
war of devastating proportions, we need to actively every village and every hamlet, from every state
pursue an alternative way of living if the human race and every city, we will be able to speed up that day
10 The Josenian Premier | First Semester S.Y. 2020-2021